First They Came For ...
3 citizen journalists are at the moment banned or imprisoned. They are:
Rainer Fuellmich: now imprisoned in Rosdorf for 14 months after being kidnapped from Mexico and deported to Germany.
Lately: Letter to new German Justice Minister and to Trump. Posted on 22. December 2024
David Icke: now banned for 4 years from entering the Schengen Area, which is almost all of Europe.
Lately: “Banned from entering the Netherlands, banned from having a video played in the Netherlands and banned from having my speech read by someone else in the Netherlands. Why are they so terrified of me?”
Quote: David Icke, posted on 30th of December 2024
A video 7:20 minutes posted on 6 January 2025:
What They Are Doing To David Icke Is Insane! – Inspired Channel
Tommy Robinson: now imprisoned 3 month in isolation in Woodhill for publishing his documentary: Silenced
Lately: Elon Musk demands release of Tommy Robinson from prison. Posted on 2 of January 2025
Truth does not change
The Biggest Secret
In August 2005 I bought the book ‘The Biggest Secret’ written by David Icke and first published in 1999. The chapter two gave me some explanations on events I had experienced during 2000 - 2001 with people who changed their body-shape or parts of their body. I bought my copy of the book in 'Det Ukendtes Boghandel’ in Copenhagen. ‘The Biggest Secret’ can be bought on David Icke’s shop:
Silence is Golden
Channeling on 29th of December 2024
Parts of the channeling:
Stuart: “Hello, so nice to see you and Merry Christmas. You ask how next year will be for the people of the Earth. Everything will become better - but slowly. A BIG slowly. This is because there is a lot of cleaning going on on several levels of society - mostly in governments and behind the scenes.
There is a lot going on in Ukraine. This has to do with the biolabs that are still there. The biolabs are a tremendous source of income for the mega rich and for The Tall People. They are being threatened by some good forces, who want to get rid of the biolabs. The biolabs also contain the fabrication of adrenachrome. It’s bad for you and for most people to understand the sinister evil behind the adrenachrome harvesting; but as time goes by it’s important that people on Earth - ordinary people - understand this evil business.
It is so the people behind are not real people as we know them and have been harvesting for eons.
This must stop and it will stop.
Remember what we told about the fairytales. People would not talk openly about these things, because it was so unbelievable - so fairytales were written. Now people speak openly about this. Think of David Icke. He knows, what is going on and society do not want him to talk openly about it. That’s why he is banned to speak in Europe. But society will not succeed to silence Icke and others.
This year 2025 we will see many new revelations about The Tall People and the adrenachrome industry. This will become news in some few public media. The media cannot keep on to hide the fact, that many people and children are missing. They do not want to talk about it - but something occurs that the media cannot prevent the truth to come foreward. It will be an event, that cannot be hidden. This event will be the beginning of the downfall of many politicians, governments, media, businesses, that we know as trustworthy. They are not.
Also people in Denmark of all places will become shattered in their souls of the news, that the event brings. They cannot understand the evilness of the people behind. Everything will come to light … that is the good news. The bad news is, that the truth is so horrible.”
Martin: “Hello, nice to see you. I know The Tibetan from earlier. I could see The Tibetan and he inspired me to speak my truth. You know things, that are very difficult to talk about. You have known for a long time - 20 years - and you still do not like to talk about them.
You knew some people were able to hide themselves behind their skin and to pretend they were very different. They pretended they were human - many were not. You saw a friend shapeshift some years before the ayahuasca journeys - and you saw the eyes of a client shift from a round pupil to a vertical pupil. So you know about people pretending to be normal. Think of the 3 women you saw shapeshift - and later how they laughed at you.
Many people know something; but are not quite aware, what is really going on. This hurdle about the adrenochrome harvesting is the biggest secret that is still keeping the humans down and humiliated. All this must come to light. Soldiers are working to free many people from deep underground bases fx in Ukraine. But also in China and Afghanistan.
There is still a hard battle to be fought; but everything will come to light.”
De forsvundne børn er en skandale, der venter på at eksplodere
Af: Hans Rustad. 30 december 2024
To Be "Awake"
Christmas Poetry from 1985
1. Nu er det ved at være jul og dagene skal tælles.
Vi glæder os til gran og sul og det har vi til fælles.
2. Men jul er svær at vente på for ihhh hvor er vi spændte.
Hvad mon vi vil som gave få? Det er så svært at vente.
3. Vi ønsker os så mange ting og skriver ned på lister:
Et ur, en pung, en bog, en ring, to sko - en toastbrødsrister.
4. Og hvad skal vi mon give væk til søster, bror og moster?
Vi skriver på papir med blæk og regner, hvad det koster.
5. Vi henter garn og nål og tråd, vi klipper, strikker, syr.
Så blir’ det let at ku’ få råd og gaven blir’ ej dyr.
6. På loftet findes kassen frem med hjerter, flag og stjerner.
Vi løfter låget lidt på klem, mens støvet bort vi fjerner.
7. Fra kassen kravler nisser frem og løber ud i stuen.
Hvor er det mon, at de vil hen? Vi følger efter huen.
8. Hr. Nisse kravler rask afsted og finder snart en ramme.
Her kan han holde julefred - hans kone ka’ det samme.
9. I stuen skal der gøres rent og pyntes op med nisser.
Med pudseklud og politur forsvinder alle ridser.
10. Og julehjerter klippes ud og flettes pænt og limes.
Så kommer der et rødt postbud - fra døren højt der kimes.
11. Og han har kort og breve med fra øst og vest og ‘hjemme bedst’.
Der hilses os med julefred og glædelig julefest.
12. Vi skriver selv til øst og vest på julekort med hjerter.
Til faster, søster, bror og mor ved lys fra julekærter.
13. Fra køk’net dufter sødt af kage, konfekt og appelsiner.
Vi snupper lidt at kunne smage og løber bort og griner.
14. Stor er kagedåsens magt: Vaniljekrans MÅ smages.
Nu i køk’net er sat vagt - til jul vi skal behages.
15. I dag skal adventslyset tændes og sprede fred i stuen.
Lidt appelsin skal brændes af og sætte fut i luen.
16. Så går vi ud og kigger lidt på haven og dens fugle.
De trænger til at få no’et fedt fra brød og frø i kugle.
17. Nu juletræet fældes skal - det står så rankt og venter
på lys og knas og julebal - en økse frem vi henter.
18. Det synger godt i træets rod - dets sidste suk nu raller.
Så sættes træet på sin fod, mens julesneen falder.
19. Og hvem er det, der skal ha’ grød? Det er velsagtens nissen.
Han sidder med sin hue rød og bliver tit så vrissen.
20. Men julen gør ham glad og blød for han får grød og smørklump.
Han danser rundt og blir’ så sød - fra loftet høres bump.
21. Nu skal vi pakke gaver ind med sløjfer, kort og stjerner.
Til slut vi får en slikkepind, mens gaverne vi fjerner.
22. De lægges hen ved træets fod - nu skal vi på os skynde -
for hjerter, lys og flag i rod, si’r julen kan begynde.
23. Og flæsk og and og risengrød og fluks en mandelgave -
en sukkergris med tryne rød - den skal vi også have.
24. Hurra - nu sættes stjernen op og NU ka’ julen komme
med gaver, knas og danse-hop - vor venten den er omme.
Be Silent ...
Lies and Truth
Channeled Messages from 3rd of November 2024:
The Tibetan says: “There is a lot of trouble going on on Earth. It’s all the bad vibes, the evil, that is showing its face. A lot of evil will come to light - a lot of lies will be reviled. A lot of extremely bad doings will be reviled. A lot of politicians and people in official governments will be reviled as liars and traitors. A lot of people will come to court. Justice need to be done, before people can begin to trust new governments. A lot of countries will have new governments.”
Maria says: “A lot of people are sad, because it is difficult to live on Earth during this time of transition. It’s because Earth people have been lied to and now is the time coming, when it is necessary to hear the truth. A lot of people are reviling the truth all over the Earth. This is necessary. Truth is the only way. Many soldiers from a lot of governments are helping to keep security while the truth is coming out. All over the World there are people, who are going to prisons, because they are corrupt and have misused their power. The coming year is very dense because it is necessary to revel the truth. Many people will get scared. Truth is much more ugly, than people can take. We will have med-beds, so the many people can get help from the psychological damage the truth will give to people. Most people do not know, how the truth have been tampered with. They believe anything.”
Earth Changes, Selfishness, Greed, Peace And Love. Part 2
Channeled Message: Wednesday the 11th of September 2024 at 05:15 pm
Maria says: “It is so sad to watch how humanity is creating war and havoc around the World. In Gaza there will come good solutions. Netanyahu have to go and many people in Israel moves to other places. After the peace there will be a new country with a new name and all the people will live there in peace. The land will blossom.”
Stuart says: “There are still not enough peace on Earth between people, but slowly peace and love will spread through out the World. There are still lots of bad frequencies on Earth in governments fx England, Holland, the EU and so on; but a lot of people are working to change things. Several politicians and leading people have to go. Some are arrested and taken to trial. This is necessary because people need to see justice to be done right. England and Starmer are making a pressure on ordinary people. This will not succeed. He will be taken out at his job, because a lot of people in Britain will protest. We have yet to see that. Sometimes it seems people are deaf and dumb down - they are - and people like David Icke are doing a tremendous job to wake people up. David will succeed and he will experience how his books are changing society. My books will also change life for people - slowly and surely. Let’s talk later.”
The Tibetan says: “It’s time the World will turn upside down - not literally; but mentally - all because good people are working to bring love to the World and working to end this time of evil, war, greed and lies. Everything will change for the better. You will experience that. Let’s part for now.”
Where Is Paradise?
Earth Changes, Selfishness, Greed, Peace And Love. Part 1
Channeled Message Wednesday the 11th of September 2024 at 05:15 pm
Peter, the Apostle says: “I came by because I want to tell you a bit about Earth changes. Earth is always changing and no one can do anything about it. That’s how it is. But we can change with Earth. It’s so some people want to create advances of the Earth changes, so they do not make room for saving people. They only think of saving themselves and their own interests and investments. This mean they build housing at places, where they trust the Earth is safe after the poles tip around - Earth will not tip around - so they buy enormous / vast rural areas and build houses, so they can sell to the governments after a cataclysm. Fx in China there are huge areas of new-built houses, which are for people, that survive the cataclysm. Also the rich buy land for growing food. Fx Bill Gates, who has bought enormous / huge amounts of land in the US. He is greedy. Other governments build underground fx in Denmark. There are no reason to build so much underground. The Earth will not go into serious cataclysm. There are areas, that will disappear and new land will appear; but it will happen very slowly - not suddenly. And Earth will not turn upside down. This is scare technics. The governments have been preparing for years, so they have loads of goods hidden underground - also in Denmark. They can survive 10 - 20 - 30 years in their dumpsters. They do not care for the ordinary people and say they can store / save goods for 3 - 5 days. You have a bit at home and it’s always vise to have a bit extra in case of a kind of disaster. The nordic people are used to have extra food and water at home - because they are used to the changes in the weather, so a bit at home is okay.”
Where do we stand?
Shadow Play or The Princess and the Reptile
Shadow Play or The Princess and the Reptile
In the very old days - before we had TV as entertainment - we amused ourselves with "Shadow games or Silhouette games". The old game came to life at this weekend's royal wedding in the Norwegian royal house.
Once upon a time there was a Norwegian princess who wanted to get married.
But the people did not care for the princess's betrothed, because he had declared that he was not an ordinary man; but a mixed race - a hybrid between a reptilian and a prince from Andromeda.
"Lies are being told about our race", the princess's fiance told the people.
"I can heal corona and cancer and repair damage to people's immune systems from the 5G radiation, which is currently being rolled out throughout Norway. I have come here to help the people.”
And the princess liked her betrothed so much and looked at him with loving eyes because he was so clever. She could talk to angels, so the two understood each other. But the people did not like the wedding between the princess and the reptile - although they were happy for each other.
At The Castle, the King walked around and was in a frenzy. He loved his daughter so much and she had always gotten her way. That's how it is with princesses. Now he had to figure out how the princess could marry her reptilian fiance without the people getting too angry and fully understanding what was happening.
Therefore, it was decided that the wedding should be held in a large tent in a remote part of Norway, where the people had difficulty keeping up with the events. But when the day came, the people had turned up in large numbers anyway. They were curious and wanted to be both amused and outraged.
But the courtiers managed to get a large, white sheet, which they lifted up in front of the bride and groom, so that the people could not see what was going on at the wedding. But look ….. the sun shone behind the sheet and 2 silhouettes drew their shadows on it, so the people still got to see what was really happening.
And so it happened that the princess and the reptile were married. They lived happily ever after; but lost half the kingdom.
( Written by Lilian Frederiksen 3rd of September 2024 in Danish and translated to English by Google )
Skyggespil eller Prinsessen og Reptilet
I rigtig gamle dage - før vi havde TV som underholdning - morede vi os med “Skyggespil eller Silhuetspil”. Den gamle leg kom til live ved weekendens royale bryllup i det norske kongehus.
Der var engang en norsk prinsesse, som ønskede at gifte sig.
Men folket brød sig ikke om prinsessens forlovede, fordi han havde udtalt, at han ikke var et sædvanligt menneske; men en blandingsrace - en hybrid mellem et reptil og en prins fra Andromeda.
“Der bliver fortalt løgne om vores race”, sagde prinsessens forlovede til folket.
“Jeg kan heale corona og kræft og reparere skader på menneskers immunsystemer fra 5G strålingen, som lige nu bliver udrullet i hele Norge. Jeg er kommet her for at hjælpe folket.”
Og prinsessen syntes så godt om sin forlovede og så på ham med kærlige blikke, fordi han var så dygtig. Hun kunne nemlig tale med engle, så de to forstod hinanden. Men folket syntes ikke om brylluppet mellem prinsessen og reptilet - selvom de var glade for hinanden.
På Slottet gik Kongen rundt og var i vildrede. Han holdt så meget af sin datter og hun havde altid fået sin vilje. Sådan er det med prinsesser. Nu måtte han finde ud af, hvordan prinsessen kunne gifte sig med sin reptilforlovede uden at folket blev altfor vrede og helt forstod, hvad der skete.
Derfor blev det besluttet, at brylluppet skulle holdes i et stort telt i en fjern egn af Norge, hvor folket havde svært ved at følge med i begivenhederne. Men da dagen kom, var folket alligevel mødt talrigt frem. De var nysgerrige og ville både underholdes og forarges.
Men hoffolkene fandt på at hente et stort, hvidt lagen, som de løftede op foran bruden og gommen, så folket ikke kunne se, hvad der foregik ved brylluppet. Men se ….. solen skinnede bag lagenet og 2 silhuetter tegnede sine skygger derpå, så folket alligevel fik at se, hvad der i virkeligheden skete.
Og sådan gik det til, at prinsessen og reptilet blev gift. De levede lykkeligt til deres dages ende; men mistede det halve kongerige.
Skrevet af Lilian Frederiksen 3rd of September 2024
Morpheus Explains The Matrix:
There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear offer welcome food
Rudolf Steiner quote:
“There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve. People not yet sufficiently convinced of this statement could understand it to be meant comparatively only. But for those who are familiar with this phenomenon, it is a reality. If fear and anxiety radiate from people and they break out in panic, then these creatures find welcome nutrition and they become more and more powerful. These beings are hostile towards humanity. Everything that feeds on negative feelings, on anxiety, fear and superstition, despair or doubt, are in reality hostile forces in supersensible worlds, launching cruel attacks on human beings, while they are being fed.
Therefore, it is above all necessary to begin with that the person who enters the spiritual world overcome fear, feelings of helplessness, despair and anxiety. But these are exactly the feelings that belong to contemporary culture and materialism; because it estranges people from the spiritual world, it is especially suited to evoke hopelessness and fear of the unknown in people, thereby calling up the above mentioned hostile forces against them.”
Source (German):
Rudolf Steiner – GA 56 – Die Erkenntnis der Seele und des Geistes – Berlijn, December 12, 1907 (page 145)
Translated by Nesta Carsten-Krüger
Rudolf Steiner's idea on plants and medicine
Trump, Nibiru and Scaring People
Channeling from the 17th of July 2024:
Stuart says: “……Let’s talk a bit about Trump. He was almost killed. It was not supposed to be failed. “They” wanted to kill him. He has become a kind of hero for many people and “they” do not like that. Trump has been on the side of the black agenda, but has changed his path. He had a revelation some years back which changed his mind about leadership. He started to be aware of the bad people and the bad stuff, they did to the common man and society. He wanted to change that. He grew conscience. That’s why “they” do a lot to harm Trump and why they wanted to kill him. This will not succeed.
The bad people are getting scared of the populations in many countries, because the people are getting information about, how the truth is tampered. Just like your ministers in Denmark tamper with the truth. This evil way of making lies to become more powerfull is coming to light everywhere. The corrupt politicians are getting afraid. Let me tell you again: Do not become scared about this Nibiru stuff. The Earth will not turn upside down. This is a scare technic. The nations in some countries want to scare people of many reasons. First they want to keep wealth for themselves. They want money, land, houses, water, gold and so on. So they scare people to buy prepper stuff. That’s a good income for these evil do’ers. They want to have control over medication, so people get scared this way - like with the vaccinations and the corona stuff.
But many people are getting aware of the scam and the scare technics. For some years groups of people have come together to built societies, that are safe in a way, so people there can live safe lives and support each other. More little “villages” will pop-up - also in Denmark. You know some of these societies, also the one in Brazil. These small villages have all kinds of safety and plenty of water, food, plant medicine and housing, so people can live healthy lives. Just wait and see.
Now: It won’t take long before we can see changes in government throughout the World. People won’t take much more now. They will revolt - also in Denmark. Your Minister of State is a very strange person, who has a kind of utopian dream about her own person. She believes she is a perfect leader and she wants to become a leader of jobs in Europe. She will not get these jobs. Soon we will see that “Biden” steps down* and we will see how your Minister of State is linked to visits at the “White House” and “Biden” at places that were not real - but a stage. Everything will be revealed.”
*(President Biden announced Sunday the 21st of July 24 he would not continue his bid for reelection)