Text on the painting: “When tyrants die they arrive at the tyrant’s pink sky. Here they will receive an acknowledgement in the form of a pink “toiletseat hat”. This medal is prestigious. Some bullies, however, prefer the “real thing”. And “Some minor house tyrants like to practice with the glorious hats before they enter the pink sky”. Collage with paperclips, use of Adobe Photoshop, prints, acrylic, goldmetals. Painted 2014.

Den tids nyheder med æreskrænkelser og tabte ansigter. Hvem taber hvad? Collage af avisudklip, tusch og acryl på lærred 100 x 100 cm. Udført i løbet af 2006.

The official story about 9.11 says that the 3rd building WTC7 (Building 7) collapsed as a result of fire. Larry Silverstein, leaseholder of WTC, states: ”I remember getting a call from, er…, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, “We’ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is to pull it. And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse.”
”Pull it” is a term used in the controlled demolition industry to bring down buildings, bridges and other structures. Research since 2005-07. Collage painted 2008 in Adobe Photoshop, printed on canvas and painted with acrylic paint. 30x40.

Hvem bestemmer? Nogle mennesker mener de bestemmer. Collage af avisklip, tusch og acryl på 100 x 100 cm lærred. Udført i løbet af 2006 - 07

Collage af avisudklip, brug af Adobe Photoshop og digitale prints, acryl og bladguld på 100 x 100 cm canvas. Maleriet blev et forsøg på, at se bl.a. de danske medlemmer af Bilderberg Gruppen nærmere i øjnene. Hvad ligger der af dybder i deres øjne? Hvad kunne ligge til grund for at acceptere et medlemsskab af en sammenslutning, som er afvisende overfor presse og almindelig offentlighed. Prestige, forfængelighed, magtsyge, indflydelse, grådighed osv. ? Og tager medlemmerne af denne “Skyggeregering” livet af Livets Træ i misforstået god mening? Kan de se sig selv i øjnene? Malet i løbet af 2010.

A spirit I experienced in a trance during a seance while contacting deceased people. I started to learn this from mediums in 2008 in DanielKirken, Copenhagen. On 5th of September 2009 this spirit appeared during the seance and said: “I am Zay and I have lived in the 15th century. I will incarnate again in a few hundred years. The energies on Earth are too heavy for me now.”
I could sense Zay is a light and good soul. Zay explained it was difficult for me to “see” him as other than his aura, because he stayed in a very high frequency. This painting is a very poorly image of him, as I will not be able to paint his lightbody right as I “saw” it in a landscape. Zay’s body was glowing and brilliant in bright colours, while he walked towards me. Painted on canvas with colour pencils in 2009

The new freedom of speech in Denmark: Danish freedom of the press is threatened after reprints of Muhammed drawings.
Den nye ytringsfrihed i Danmark: Dansk trykkefrihed er truet efter genoptryk af Muhammed tegninger.
Painted on 30 x 30 cm canvas 14th of June 2015.
…….a misprint has crept in on the painting;-) ……..

The new freedom of speech in Sweden: Swedish artist Dan Park is jailed after accusations from offended immigrant.
Den nye ytringsfrihed i Sverige: Den svenske kunstner Dan Park er fængslet efter anklager fra krænket immigrant.
Painted on 30 x 30 cm canvas 14th of June 2015.
…….a misprint has crept in on the painting;-) ……..

Min kommentar: “Den Franske 1. Præmie Hane galede højlydt i Andegården blandt de små grimme ællinger. Han mente, at han var noget særligt og holdt af, at vise sine medaljer frem. Men de små, grimme ællinger vidste, at de inderst inde var stolte svaner, så de lod hanen gale, for det var han bedst til.”
Collage with coins and acrylic on canvas painted september 2010.

“Europe’s nations should be guided towards the superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly led to federation.” Quote by Jean Monnet - Founding father of The EU. Painted februar 2017. 30x30.

Rasmus Paludan's party Stram Kurs has collected 20100 voter declarations. Collage and acrylic on canvas painted 28 april 2019

“It was always the women and above all the young people who were the Party’s most distinguished supporters - the slogan swallowers, the amateur spies and the sniffers - just to stand out.”
Quote: George Orwell - 1984.
Digital image changed in Adobe Photoshop, printed, placed on thick cardboard to make a shadow effect, painted on canvas with acrylic and gold metal. Other titles could be: THE SCARED CHILD IS SCARY or GRETA´s SUFFERINGS. Painted 24th of September 2019.

Text on the painting: “When tyrants die they arrive at the tyrant’s pink sky. Here they will receive an acknowledgement in the form of a pink “toiletseat hat”. This medal is prestigious. Some bullies, however, prefer the “real thing”. And “Some minor house tyrants like to practice with the glorious hats before they enter the pink sky”. Collage with paperclips, use of Adobe Photoshop, prints, acrylic, goldmetals. Painted 2014.
Den tids nyheder med æreskrænkelser og tabte ansigter. Hvem taber hvad? Collage af avisudklip, tusch og acryl på lærred 100 x 100 cm. Udført i løbet af 2006.
The official story about 9.11 says that the 3rd building WTC7 (Building 7) collapsed as a result of fire. Larry Silverstein, leaseholder of WTC, states: ”I remember getting a call from, er…, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, “We’ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is to pull it. And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse.”
”Pull it” is a term used in the controlled demolition industry to bring down buildings, bridges and other structures. Research since 2005-07. Collage painted 2008 in Adobe Photoshop, printed on canvas and painted with acrylic paint. 30x40.
Hvem bestemmer? Nogle mennesker mener de bestemmer. Collage af avisklip, tusch og acryl på 100 x 100 cm lærred. Udført i løbet af 2006 - 07
Collage af avisudklip, brug af Adobe Photoshop og digitale prints, acryl og bladguld på 100 x 100 cm canvas. Maleriet blev et forsøg på, at se bl.a. de danske medlemmer af Bilderberg Gruppen nærmere i øjnene. Hvad ligger der af dybder i deres øjne? Hvad kunne ligge til grund for at acceptere et medlemsskab af en sammenslutning, som er afvisende overfor presse og almindelig offentlighed. Prestige, forfængelighed, magtsyge, indflydelse, grådighed osv. ? Og tager medlemmerne af denne “Skyggeregering” livet af Livets Træ i misforstået god mening? Kan de se sig selv i øjnene? Malet i løbet af 2010.
A spirit I experienced in a trance during a seance while contacting deceased people. I started to learn this from mediums in 2008 in DanielKirken, Copenhagen. On 5th of September 2009 this spirit appeared during the seance and said: “I am Zay and I have lived in the 15th century. I will incarnate again in a few hundred years. The energies on Earth are too heavy for me now.”
I could sense Zay is a light and good soul. Zay explained it was difficult for me to “see” him as other than his aura, because he stayed in a very high frequency. This painting is a very poorly image of him, as I will not be able to paint his lightbody right as I “saw” it in a landscape. Zay’s body was glowing and brilliant in bright colours, while he walked towards me. Painted on canvas with colour pencils in 2009
The new freedom of speech in Denmark: Danish freedom of the press is threatened after reprints of Muhammed drawings.
Den nye ytringsfrihed i Danmark: Dansk trykkefrihed er truet efter genoptryk af Muhammed tegninger.
Painted on 30 x 30 cm canvas 14th of June 2015.
…….a misprint has crept in on the painting;-) ……..
The new freedom of speech in Sweden: Swedish artist Dan Park is jailed after accusations from offended immigrant.
Den nye ytringsfrihed i Sverige: Den svenske kunstner Dan Park er fængslet efter anklager fra krænket immigrant.
Painted on 30 x 30 cm canvas 14th of June 2015.
…….a misprint has crept in on the painting;-) ……..
Min kommentar: “Den Franske 1. Præmie Hane galede højlydt i Andegården blandt de små grimme ællinger. Han mente, at han var noget særligt og holdt af, at vise sine medaljer frem. Men de små, grimme ællinger vidste, at de inderst inde var stolte svaner, så de lod hanen gale, for det var han bedst til.”
Collage with coins and acrylic on canvas painted september 2010.
“Europe’s nations should be guided towards the superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly led to federation.” Quote by Jean Monnet - Founding father of The EU. Painted februar 2017. 30x30.
Rasmus Paludan's party Stram Kurs has collected 20100 voter declarations. Collage and acrylic on canvas painted 28 april 2019
“It was always the women and above all the young people who were the Party’s most distinguished supporters - the slogan swallowers, the amateur spies and the sniffers - just to stand out.”
Quote: George Orwell - 1984.
Digital image changed in Adobe Photoshop, printed, placed on thick cardboard to make a shadow effect, painted on canvas with acrylic and gold metal. Other titles could be: THE SCARED CHILD IS SCARY or GRETA´s SUFFERINGS. Painted 24th of September 2019.