Meeting "Winnetou"

About “Winnetou”, chemtrails and The High People in hiding

From a channeling the 9th of July 2013: ….. As I enter the hallway, I see a green cape hanging on the hook next to the red cape. Inside, I see a figure covered in a green cape. Don't see his face.
The Tibetan meets me and says: "I think you should meet “Winnetou." He's an Indian chief. His people found the joy of living with nature*. That is how the children and adults of the future will live. There will be other amenities, cleaner cities and homes, abundant food produced on large farms; but people want to live simply and naturally in harmony with nature. Clean water and clean skies. No chemtrails. They are dangerous to humanity. They contain toxins that make people sick. It will not succeed in making people sick in large quantities. Chemtrails will be stopped. Nato has a large stake in chemtrails. They want to use........ (have written 2 lines on top of each other and can not remember what was communicated)....... for war purposes...... Spraying....... Can spray metal out so that the sky becomes like a screen - a computer screen, then you can send out sound waves and create pictures in the sky to scare off. Weather is also being manipulated in large areas of the United States. They want to put big areas deserted because there are things in the ground.... things have been found in the ground to be extracted for war purposes. They want people away from the areas. "They" are a small group of people who don't want the best for Earth.

They don't care and are only possessed of money, power and fame. They are few and hidden. The people you've heard of and seen aren't the few I'm talking about. The few are hidden. They are very tall and not of this Earth. The others you know are afraid of The High People. There are people who know The High People and want to cooperate; but The High People only want the Earth for themselves. They're greedy. They have caves in some places on the ground where relatives live. They will not succeed in destroying the Earth. Some of the people you know of are in the process of undoing the cooperation and will ultimately betray The High People. It will be a few more years; but still pay attention to what the group you know about go about and do. It will not succeed. The High People come from another planet and don't belong here. They have been here since way back; but have worked slowly to get as far as now. Many people are aware that something is wrong on Earth; but few have really understood. David Icke and Stuart Wilde, both of whom you know and have known and followed, know about these High People. There is work going on behind the scenes in other dimensions to get rid of The High People. Say hello to “Winnetou”. I'm looking at the chief. He lifts his head so I can see the face under the green cape. That's Stuart's face!!! He greets and smiles a little. He says, "We're going to meet again."