About Broader Consciousness

Part of a channeling from 8th of September 2016. Stuart says:
“Hi there. How nice to see you. You are beginning to believe in this. You are more convinced. Okey … Europe is having problems. Politicians are trying to hold the truth from the people, but it is getting difficult, because of transparency. It’s like Earth is passing an area in Space, where it’s not possible to lie any more. It’s like your lies are being exposed, all though you do everything to cover up. That’s why people are beginning to see what happens. People cannot believe politicians. They see that clearly in the coming years. 

This place in Space is called “polonium particle belt” … ( My comment: The Photon Belt? ) … It’s a place where Space is filled with matter, that is giving a broader / better consciousness / bevidsthed. A lot of people are ready to receive a better and broader consciousness . A lot of people - like you - have worked hard in years with getting a better consciousness. A lot of people were born just to learn that.

Earth is a strange place. We have all kinds of evilness and all kinds of loveliness. One can live a whole life and experience a lot of evilness, and one can live a whole life and experience a lot of love and niceness. People choose themselves how to live and what kind of life they want - BEFORE they are born. And we all forget, what we choose, when we are on Earth … “