Part of a channeling from 5th of November 2020:
Stuart: ”You want to know what happens in US and with Corona. It’s so … it doesn’t matter who wins. The good forces, who have begun to cleanse are working faster, so things will come to light in a way, that it has no meaning who wins. The administration in US is rotten and it will begin to fall by itself during these days. This means a president is of no much help. The army is true to Trump and will help him a lot. They are all ready having a war inside US and in the underground. It’s true they free all the ……… ( I censor here ) and thats why the Biden side will do anything to stop Trump. The army will win. They have made video’s of all the wars inside US. These video’s will soon emerge. Biden is no good man. He has a lot of bad moral and lots of cases with ……… ( I censor here ). So this is very bad. Everything will come to light at the right times……….
……….The Cabal will not succeed to kill humanity. So many good people are waiting / wanting to create good and loving spirit and surroundings to people. They fight. Some with their life. Trump will cleanse a lot of very bad people out of office and very quickly, so don’t think about, who wins. The army will help Trump.
…………Don’t think about 5G. It will become better and be fixed with another frequency. Tesla and Elon Musk will see to that. They do not want people to become zombies. Trust that. The vaccines will all fall, because the Corona will show it’s ugly face towards the crooked people. The Corona is not dangerous. It’s just what they say. So just laugh of these stupid people……….
The Tibetan: “ You had a long talk with Stuart. We on this side are not worrying about the bad conditions on Earth. Times are very good for changing for the better. The coming time a lot of bad stuff will be revealed. You will not become frightened so much, because you know about these nasty things - but a lot of people will become very sad and frightened. You can help each other and spread love, understanding and caring.”