Excerpt of a channeled message on 4th of October 2013: ………Panther waits below while I go up. It is very bright as I go up. Super bright. I stop at the 4th - 5th step. The light flows down towards me. Light/white/light. I'm up. Standing on the plateau in the light. The "floor"/ground is white/light. Where can I go? To the house or? It's hard to see. The light is like a kind of fog.
Now the Tibetan comes to meet me through the light. I see his plum red clothes. He rushes towards me. Runs. Now he stands before me. He smiles broadly. I see his face clearly - slightly yellowish/brown skin, smile lines. He is totally nice. We stand close. “Hi,” he says, “thanks for coming.” The Tibetan puts his arm around my shoulder. We go over the plateau. There is mega white. We go further than usual. We're like floating. We are floating on top of the house/on the roof. There is a kind of lookout/a tower.
Stuart is also in the tower. He is also wearing some kind of red clothes? or no..... it's green/monkish. Stuart smiles. He walks close to me and shows me his face. It's his older face and his smile. It's him.
Stuart: “This tower is our view tower/watchtower - a kind of tower, where we see the future. I’ll show you something here.” I go to the window, where Peter showed me the vast/huge areas/empty areas of the North. Stuart points: “Look.”
I look out. I see sea, a lot of sea. Rippling fresh sea. I see a kind of white bobble houses on the water. A kind of house with outdoor areas. Humans live there. The houses are linked together. They are white as eggshells. Has doors and windows.
Stuart: “People live here. They find out how to extract food from the sea - plankton food. It is very healthy. People find out how to breed fish in large pools while floating around the oceans. Some parts of the world are sinking. Some islands are sinking. Parts of England. Parts of the United States. Parts of Europe. Therefore, more people travel to Greenland and Alaska and Russia. Therefore, large areas are cultivated. The lands are sinking because the Earth is changing. It wanders. It needs a change of “coat” / “clothes”. It must turn just like when you turn in your sleep. Don't be nervous. Denmark is not sinking. It gets bigger out west. It happens as a slow process so people can move around. Except for some islands in the Pacific Ocean. There is nothing you can do about it. The reason is not climate, as people would like to imagine. It is the Earth that decides - not people. The Earth needs to turn. Alaska is becoming attractive and the Russian steppes. There are new areas in the North Sea - new islands. Also north of Scotland.
These floating dwellings are invented. They are already looking to provide housing for people on sinking islands. The first floating islands are invented for areas in the Pacific Ocean. Danish companies will start to develop them. It will be good business. Cooling and water production machines are also being developed.”
The Tibetan: "In this way, we can inspire people to face upheavals with a straight forehead and without being fearful. We cannot do anything to change the evolution of the Earth. It - the Earth - does what it wants. We must not hinder it either. We must follow and be open and adapt. We must not strive and adapt the Earth to us. We are moving towards "feminine" times, where we must become soft and open as women. And spacious. Women are smart. They are good at going with the flow and adapting. Okay. These housing cultures will spread to other communities and create new opportunities. It will also be Danish and Nordic peoples who will start building the Russian and northern plains. All that comes. We have a visit from Maria.”
I see Mary. Maria embraces me.
Maria: "It is important that people improve their skills, that they study and gain knowledge and go to school. It is important that people continue to educate themselves and become skilled. There will be times when you need educated people. This is because societies develop rapidly technologically and naturally. You develop new ways of living and then you will need labour. There will be many people from the northern hemisphere who will be sent out to help the southern hemisphere. Then you will need many educated people. Even those that you think are old. You will need people who know old crafts, e.g. You will need architects, engineers, agriculture people, fishermen, farmers, industrialists etc. People who think they can relax and retire suddenly start a kind of 3rd or 4th career. These people are valued and well paid. It is especially areas in the warmest parts of the world where you need educated people. The leaders of these countries realise that they have neglected to educate their populations because these countries are hopelessly backward and underdeveloped. You will experience this. It happens within the next 12-15 years that the first needs arise, so that an older carpenter or blacksmith or engineer stands to get a good payment, to take a few years' work as a teacher in, for example, Arab countries. There will soon be great changes in Arab areas. The leaders of these countries will understand that they have to loosen the strict - and somewhat foolish - religious rules in order to start the development of healthy countries." ………………