The Tibetan: “So good you came. We are expecting you, Stuart, Maria and I. Today we have a visitor. Let’s go.” We go to the stairs in the cliff. I go first: 1 … 2 … , … 7 … 10. I am upstairs. I see Maria and Stuart and a dark person stands next to them.
Stuart: “Hello, so good to see you. Let me introduce you to Mandela - Nelson Mandela. He would like to say a word or two. He has heard about you. Words go around here - just like on Earth.”
Nelson: “Hello Lilian, so nice to meet you. What you do here is interesting. I want to talk about bravery. It’s so humanity at this time have to be brave and courageous. So are the times now. Many people know about my story and how I was imprisoned for several years by authority. A person must be brave to withstand / resist the pressure. You hear about Julian Assange, whom the society is pressuring to silence in a barbaric manner. You hear about the Russian Navalny*, who is dead now in prison. We have heard about several people through history, who have spoken loudly towards injustice from the society through the centuries. Sokrates was one, who is remembered through history. Giordano Bruno - the Italian philosopher and poet. These people showed bravery and no fear. The coming years are different and difficult because humanity will show a new bravery towards society - they will not take any “crab” from society any more. They will start to fight. That’s good. The main cause is the Covid-19 scam and the deaths of so many people through vaccinations. People who have suffered deaths in their families will start to gather and have a voice and they will demand justice and punishment towards politicians, public servants / employees and doctors and nurses. People become more brave and this is good. You will experience this uprising of ordinary people, who says NO.
Also in Denmark a lot of people have had enough. Look at the farmers - they have started to talk about driving their tractors and machines to the cities. Just like farmers do in many European countries. Farmers uprise and vaccinated will uprise. This is very good. People become brave. As Stuart said: “Bravery is your only option.” True. I had to be brave too. It was difficult for me to be brave in the beginning - but little by little I changed.
I will tell you a secret: The Tibetan visited me in my prison cell.
I started to sense a being in my cell one evening. I thought I had become mad. Little by little I began to open my mind towards this being, whom I could sense - but not see. David Icke describes this and you know how it is. The presence of The Tibetan made me brave and gave me a calm mind. We started to converse in dreams on a telepathic level. He kept me sane and brave. He showed me my destiny as a president for my people. So it became little by little easier to be calm and collected/composed - also when guards treated me wrongly. The Tibetan saved me.”
The Tibetan: “Other spirits whom we call angels visited Nelson in the prison. They created a loving atmosphere for Nelson. So he could stand the pressure and develoup his mind for his future task.”
Maria: “Spirit People do always take care of people, who are suffering. Few understand and sense this. Julian Assange have many Spirit People around. He is however more in his mind as his heart, so for him it is difficult to sense the good vibrations these Spirit People give him. When one sees Julian, you understand the pressure he is in. But people are not educated in the importance of the connection to Spirit People. Look to the Aboriginals. They know what it is about. Society have done a lot to make this belief in Spirit People to be a primitive behaviour. They still do. Look at the asylums for crazy people, who almost all have a very good connection to the spirit worlds. But society, doctors and so on, do not believe in this.”
Stuart: “Society is doing everything to make a person look wrong, when this person starts to think for himself and connect to Spirit People. Society is afraid of people like David Icke, Jesus, Socrates, Mandela, Jimi Hendrix and so on. People with hearts and a healthy connection to their heart and spirit…..Let’s part for today and let’s talk soon again.”
*Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny died at 47 in an Arctic prison colony on the 16th of February 2024 serving a 19-year sentence.