Channeling about war, a new era, good and evil.
The Tibetan: Hi, hello there, so nice to see you. These are extreme times, thats why you are tired. It will be better. You are tired because you can feel the agony of The World, all the evilness and sadness. It is extreme, the evilness. We are in a fight / a war. The war is kind of over in the inner realms, but it has not yet reached the outer World. It will come. A lot of people go scared… ( I censor here )… Stuart is expecting you. Let’s talk later. See you.”
Stuart: “This is Thomas. He was an apostle. He wants to say something to you.”
Thomas: “The war you experience on Earth has been foretold for many years. Many people know, what is going on. ( I sensor here ) … Jesus talked about these times. When you reed The Bible, you will find the words he said about these times. We are crossing into a new era / new times, where LOVE is the way to go. These times is a goodbye to the old ways. Not an abrupt goodbye - but a goodbye, that can be seen and felt. Jesus came from the future to these people, that walked with him. He had experienced the times, we go through now. A lot of people will have a very sad time the coming couple of years. This is the time, when you will use your website. We, from this side, will help guide people … ( I sensor here )… I’ll come back later. See you.”
Stuart: “Yes, it’s fun, that we are able to help and guide humans from other realms, but later in a couple of hundreds of years - it will be more known to humans, that they can receive help from other realms.
Now … The Event is a way of life, that is easier for a lot of people. It is a kind of “stop The World I want to go off” event. It is the evil forces, that try to kill humans. The Devil is real and all his people live on Earth now. It is very clear, that evil is fighting - because they feel they are right - like the good feel they are right. But times are so, that evil have no place on Earth now. Evil must go. It will. Evil has done so many people very sad and damaged so many thoughts of good. It has to go. When you hear about actors and wellknown people and the evil they have done to children, then evil have gone too far. Good people cannot understand the size of the evil. They cannot comprehend. And evil cannot comprehend good. We live in times, when good and evil must know each other…( I sensor here )… The Tall People are under pressure. They never thought it would happen. They try to escape. Some can shape-shift, so ordinary people cannot see them. You can see them. Write about your experiences with the shape-shifters.
The HAARP situation is clearly manmade. The evil ones use HAARP to controll the war. Soon you will see the Media write other kinds of news. This will be bad news… ( I sensor here )… Don’t worry about a thing. Everything is going according to plan. Let’s part.”
Tibetan: “So, don’t worry. Everything is fine. Earth will blossom and will not go under. There will be some upheaval, but no real danger….