Channeling 25th of November 2023:
Stuart: “Hello, so nice to see you. Always nice to see you. Always is. We know each other well and have done for eons. This time we meet in this dimension - the 5th dimension. This is how it should be this time. It’s to tell people, that it is possible to know ansestors, friends, lovers, family after they die. This will become more common during the next couple of hundreds of years. Life will become much easier for a lot of people in the future. Maria wants to say something.”
Maria: “Let me tell you about Love - more about Love. It’s so everybody know Love deep down in their hearts - sometimes though people come astray because of everyday happenings, so they tend to forget Love - especially if they are in dire circumstances. Then the bad vibrations and the negative experiences cloud for the loving heart feelings.
These heart feelings of Love are at the same time very fragile and very strong. Love is the strongest force in the Universe. With Love one can do anything. But it is important to trust and keep the Love Flame burning. The way to keep the Love Flame burning is to deliberately nurse the little flame. Make a room / space for yourself everyday, where you nurture the little flame. This can be done in the bus, on your work, while you do the dishes, clean your flat - everywhere.
The little Love Flame in your chest will love to be nurtured. Imagine how you are conscious on the Flame and how the Flame returns the attention and grow stronger and stronger. This can be done especially when one has some trouble in life. This little Love Flame will help to endure whatever and this Love Flame will survive all kinds of trouble. When a person has this Love Flame in the heart it can endure much. When a person do not have the Love Flame it will endure less.
The Love Flame can grow stronger and become so big it is bigger than the person. Then other people begin to notice something is different and they like to be around a person, who has nurtured their Love Flame. Sometimes the Love Flame becomes so big, that the people, who has it are able to heal other people. Many people are afraid of Love. They have forgotten the Love feeling and are shy, when another person has the Love feeling. It’s sad for the people, who forget the Love Flame. Stuart wants to say something.”
Stuart: “It’s so that a lot of people are becoming aware, that something is not right about the corona stuff and the vaccines. The bad people want to continue the waxing and control and the fascist agenda, but so many people are beginning to wake up - so it will not succeed for the bad ones to be able to control people. A lot of people like to be controlled, so they are afraid, when the control slowly disappears.
Especially some religious people want to be controlled, so they can live after certain codex or rule. Many muslims like the control and they want other people to live after same rules. This is a trend, that will vanish during the years to come. Many religions will go under. The muslims still live after old-fashioned rules and it is difficult for these people to live in the future. They will have to change or go under. Very few religions will survive. In a couple of hundred years we will have the “religion” of LOVE beginning to emerge and spreed - and some Hindu believes and Christian believes. Love is the way to go - not some kind of religion written in old books. Its over and done with. Love is the way to go - easy - and difficult for some. Let’s part for now.”