Stuart says: “Klaus Schwab and his like will not take over the World and change it to a fascist society. … (I censor here ) and … sees to that and … and the people gathered around the Tesla frequencies. Earth will become a beautiful place. But there are things that need to be done. Governments need to be put to court. Your government too. All the bad deeds need to be questioned and the people put to court / justice. So many officials have done harm to people because they followed orders. This has to be put right - to come out in the light. People are dying of the corona vaccines and soon this will break in the news. Many people will become afraid. Nobody will take any vaccines any more and the Monkeypox is very bad monkey-business. Don’t listen to these people. They are scared and try to scare other people. Your minister must go. She is very bad for business. She will go to … (I censor here) …”
Sunrise the 6th of September 2022