A channeling from the 5th of December 2022. Stuart says: “You want to know, when MSM (Main Stream Media) will write The Truth? Not yet - they are scared, because their silence has been far too long time and now its difficult to “take the word” and be truthful. They have lied and manipulated people for years - longer than we understand - not just journalists - but all leading people through centuries. Why? Why? They want to control everything: the money, events, history. They are the leaders and will know everything in order to control everything. This is a sick kind of mind - of living life. They will not succeed. They have controlled longer than we can imagine. They are the Anunnaki* and their offspring - the royalty and so on.
The Anunnaki came around 450.000 years ago. Humanity lived in the Garden of Eden and lived in love with each other. Lived of The Earth. They lived with loving hearts as is the original way of living. The Anunnaki came with a flotilla of flying machines. They came and saw a beautiful place and they loved The Earth. They were not able to fully work with The Earth, because they were after gold, which was plentiful on Earth. They needed the gold as richness - a personal richness - and for healing. They ate it - they used it as a medicine. Crushed it and ate it. (My comment: Was this Monatomic gold?). They learned people to get it up from Earth. People were not interested in gold. They used it for noting - like other metals.
The Anunnaki began to educate people to work to get the gold. In the beginning they payed with food for the gold. Later they did not pay. They began to force people to work. For centuries people of The Earth worked for the Anunnaki and they - the Anunnaki - became slavemasters. Not officially, but in the dark. Hidden. As years went by, they manipulated people’s bodies in a way, they could work better for the Anunnaki. As time went by the Anunnaki mingled with people and were better accepted, but they were always “the elite”. This was their safety - a way they could hide. All royalty have a bit ‘anunnaki’ in their blood. All important politicians, leaders in society and so on. But we never see the important ones.
Lately Rothchild's and Rockefellar’s leading members of these families are dead. We saw the picture of a man with a very elongated scalp/skull**. He was partly Anunnaki***. He is hiding now. There are few elongated heads at the present time.”
My comment: The above photograph is taken with a mobile camera of a video found on the Web. It shows how these tall women arrange their robes while walking. The other woman is a kind of companion. If you want to know more - here are links for a start: