Channeling from the 17th of July 2024:
Stuart says: “……Let’s talk a bit about Trump. He was almost killed. It was not supposed to be failed. “They” wanted to kill him. He has become a kind of hero for many people and “they” do not like that. Trump has been on the side of the black agenda, but has changed his path. He had a revelation some years back which changed his mind about leadership. He started to be aware of the bad people and the bad stuff, they did to the common man and society. He wanted to change that. He grew conscience. That’s why “they” do a lot to harm Trump and why they wanted to kill him. This will not succeed.
The bad people are getting scared of the populations in many countries, because the people are getting information about, how the truth is tampered. Just like your ministers in Denmark tamper with the truth. This evil way of making lies to become more powerfull is coming to light everywhere. The corrupt politicians are getting afraid. Let me tell you again: Do not become scared about this Nibiru stuff. The Earth will not turn upside down. This is a scare technic. The nations in some countries want to scare people of many reasons. First they want to keep wealth for themselves. They want money, land, houses, water, gold and so on. So they scare people to buy prepper stuff. That’s a good income for these evil do’ers. They want to have control over medication, so people get scared this way - like with the vaccinations and the corona stuff.
But many people are getting aware of the scam and the scare technics. For some years groups of people have come together to built societies, that are safe in a way, so people there can live safe lives and support each other. More little “villages” will pop-up - also in Denmark. You know some of these societies, also the one in Brazil. These small villages have all kinds of safety and plenty of water, food, plant medicine and housing, so people can live healthy lives. Just wait and see.
Now: It won’t take long before we can see changes in government throughout the World. People won’t take much more now. They will revolt - also in Denmark. Your Minister of State is a very strange person, who has a kind of utopian dream about her own person. She believes she is a perfect leader and she wants to become a leader of jobs in Europe. She will not get these jobs. Soon we will see that “Biden” steps down* and we will see how your Minister of State is linked to visits at the “White House” and “Biden” at places that were not real - but a stage. Everything will be revealed.”
*(President Biden announced Sunday the 21st of July 24 he would not continue his bid for reelection)