Mette mobbede medmennesker i 2021
Mette bullied fellow human beings in 2021
The new Covid-19 and flu season 2023 begins and The Danish Healthcare System sends out information and offers vaccine for Covid-19 and influenza. Rather polite information that the offer to be vaccinated is voluntarily. No pressure.
Its important to remember the harsh words towards unvaccinated people from Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark in November 2021. Quote: “People who are not vaccinated are no longer welcome in our society - it may well be something we will have to deal with”.
It was disrespectful, and we have to go back in history to see state-led shaming of a minority.
And on TV2 Nyheder den 8. november 2021 Mette Frederiksen said, that unvaccinated people are largely to blame for the situation Denmark is in right now. Quote: "There's a small group that doesn't play by them rules of the game that are, when there is a pandemic. You have a responsibility for the whole of Danish society right now."
She also made no secret of the fact that the new restrictions the government will introduce - the corona passport - are intended, among other things, to make life difficult for the unvaccinated people. Quote: "For all of you who are not vaccinated, it becomes more difficult and I really think it should be that way.”
And she said on the 9th of November 2021. Quote: “I have to be honest to say that I myself am thinking about how we can put additional pressure on those who are not vaccinated.”
It was a sad day when the left advocated "avoidance" of the unvaccinated. Why? If they are protected with a covid vaccine, why do they care? That is the question!
Listening to that it is also important to remember this quote by Aldous Huxley: “The propagandists purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.”
And this quote by C.J. Hopkins: “Those of us who are vaccine-resistant are soon to be outcasts, deprived of jobs and entry into everyday businesses. This kind of discrimination should remind everyone of … oh, Germany three quarters of a century ago.”
Times are changing and truth about Covid-19 vaccines are coming closer to main stream media, so maybe governments and so on do not push so hard as they used to. A danish documentary about side effects of the vaccines was recently published on VaccineForum Facebook and info about the documentary was send to 400 danish journalists in the hope the information would spread to the state sponsored media. The documentary “De Forbudte Bivirkninger” ( The prohibited side effects ) can be seen here:
On the 13th of September there were a conference in the EU Parliament in Strasbourg called: ‘Health and Democracy under WHO’s proposed rules’. Among the critics of vaccine was Dr Peter McCullough who gave a 17 minutes testimony to the EU Parliament. The video can be seen here:
Times are changing, slowly, slowly and surely.