Visualization* / Clairvoyance 3rd of April 2020:
"I see a small spring in a very dark and almost black landscape. It's chirped out of a crevice in the rock. The water is very clear, blue and luminous; but its color is becoming more and more like yellowish. It flows down the cliffs and heads for the sea. On the way, animals come and drink from it. They're falling over. The water is deadly.
On the River's path to the sea, several animals die and also humans are affected. The River comes through areas with mountain people. They know they can't drink the water and they give way in awe. They know how to behave. The River comes to areas with green grass. Here on the banks of the River, the grass turns yellow and wilted. The River is toxic.
Further ahead there is a place where the water has to go through a sewage treatment plant. These are people who have seen how the water destroys and kills and deserts areas. These people are enlightened and well informed and skilled. They have long been preparing for the River to come to their territory. They're prepared. They're wearing white clothes and masks on their faces. They ensure that the waters of the River are led into large plants where the water is purified so that it is no longer toxic. This process takes time and in the meantime the world stands still.
What happened at the source of the River was that some powerful - a kind of "trolls" - poured poison into the clear, blue River. The poison spread. The Trolls did not like the people who lived down the mountain and in the valley, because there were precious metals in its soil that the Trolls wanted for themselves. The white figures knew about the Trolls and had long built on the sewage treatment plant.
The Trolls are angry that the plant is built and seek to scare the enlightened ones. It will not succeed. The toxic water reaches to kill some people; but the majority of the people on the mountain and in the valleys survive. The Trolls are angry and retreat into their dark rock caves to devise new plans, because their greed for the metals and wealth is undiminished. They're just mad:-(
The treatment plant works and on the other side of it gathers a beautiful, bluish and clear source of purified water. Here in these areas, people can stay in peace and outside danger. But the people have learned and have seen that there are creatures / "Trolls" who want to kill to get what belongs to everyone. The people have learned a lesson and become more attentive because the Trolls will try again. The people learn to look after each other.”
(text is translated from danish)
*Background to the Visualization* / Clairvoyance:
Client V asks me on 31 March 2020: "I've been wondering if you've asked about the Corona"
(*The visualization is done with the inspiration of psychologist and shaman Dr. Stephen Gallegos in combination with my own clairvoyant and meditative method. Lilian Frederiksen.)