From a channeling on the 25th of December 2013: Tibetan says:
“… … De Høje Folk holder ikke jul. Julen er noget de har fundet på. I meget gamle dage fejrede man solen/lyset på denne tid. Man lavede lys fester. Vikingerne og vikingernes forfædre fejrede solen. Derfor Solvognen. Mange fejrer stadig lysets komme på denne tid og særligt på den nordlige halvkugle. De Høje ønskede, at skabe en religiøs lysfest, for at holde folk i en kontrol. Derfor opfandt man, at Jesus blev født julenat. Det var solen, som blev født. Mange folk fejrede stadig solen, så man lagde den kristne del og sol delen sammen og fejrede yule med masser af mad og fest og senere med mad og de religiøse fester. I Danmark har man bevaret flere af de ældgamle solskikke. Derfor er danskere glade for julen. Det er en hyggelig tid, hvor man besøger familien og giver gaver… …”
English translation of the channeling:
”… …The Tall People do not celebrate Christmas. Christmas is something they made up. In the very old days, the sun/light was celebrated at this time. One made light parties. The Vikings and Viking ancestors celebrated the sun. Hence the Sun Chariot. Many still celebrate the coming of light at this time and especially in the northern hemisphere. The Tall Ones wanted to create a religious festival of lights to keep people in control. Therefore, it was invented that Jesus was born on Christmas night. It was the sun that was born. Many people still celebrated the sun, so they put the Christian part and the sun part together and celebrated yule with lots of food and feast and later with food and the religious feasts. In Denmark, several of the ancient sun customs have been preserved. That's why Danes are happy with Christmas. It's a nice time to visit family and give gifts… …"