Fact Or Fiction - Vaccination. Part 1

I grew up in a home, where we had a family doctor, who knew about my family’s health conditions, so he could easily advice, when we had any sickness, that needed pharmacy medicine or vaccination.

My parents were also using health advices from the wise women and men using natural herbs. These healers had personal prescription-books and were also local farmers or neighbours. Both the family doctor and the herbal healer had their insights, knowledge, ethical and professional secrecy. At that time it was easy to use both kinds of healers for different sicknesses, when you understood whom you needed.

A friend once said: “In my home the priest and the doctor used the front door and my mother had her patients at the backdoor.” She was the local medicine-woman using natural herbs.

As years have past the pharmacy medicine is more used in our daily lives. Some claim this all started some 100 years ago, when John D. Rockefeller saw the ability to monopolise the oil, chemical and medical industries at the same time. Medicine learning changed and was about using patented drugs and natural medicines were demonised and some herb-doctors even jailed.

“A pill for an ill” became the mantra for the modern pharmacy medicine.

So today we have mostly doctors who know less about herbs, nutritions or holistic practices although some young medical students begin to research the use of the “old-fashioned” plants.

We also operate with the Codex Alimentarius which is a collection of standards, guidelines and codes of practice to protect consumers health and promote fair practices in food trade. Established by FAO/WHO with first meeting in 1963. I ”met” this “Code” first time, when I would buy my usual A. Vogel UrtiCalcin, with pressed juice from wildly harvested nettles. The herb-shop was not allowed to sell the product because of this “Codex A”. Later after several herb-shops protested it was allowed to sell the product again, because the pharma industry cannot patent nature.

And now we have COVID-19, a sickness which reminds a lot about a common flu with a very high survival rate - 99,70%: https://willemvincken.wordpress.com/2021/09/23/the-covid-survival-rates-with-without-vaccine-no-differences/

Officially we are guided to wash our hands, to use a facemask, corona-passports, keep distance to each other and to be vaccinated with a new gene-therapy mRNA type of vaccine to boost our natural immunesystem  - or “vaccine”. The terms of what a vaccine is has changed recently.

After a public debate in Denmark we are also advised to eat Vitamine D. But no ordinary medicine is officially recommended. Only a gene-therapy vaccination. This causes skepticisme towards the new, not tested and artificially gene-therapy among people, who are used to the natural ways of healing. 

So many people will still find their way to the backdoor and will visit the local medicine woman or -man. Or let themselves get “the flu” to create natural antibodies. 

to be continued……………