It looks like the gene-therapy “vaccines” do not work as they are supposed to - you need more of them - and that a natural infection can produce a lot more antibodies. This is an article from a danish newspaper:
Officially there are more deaths in Denmark a month after vaccination. An insight given to a retired danish doctor from SSI shows, that 5637 Danes died 1 month after 1st and 2nd vaccination. Danish link:
The sicknesses and deaths after the vaccinations seems to be more heart attacks as dr John Campbell explains in this video:
This video shows some complications of vaccines: Athletes, reporters and patients are collapsing and fainting:
Why are most side effects in male athletics hearth problems after vaccination? And why do US pilot deaths increase by 1,750% after the COVID vaccine rollout? Why mess up your heart and health for a “vaccine”, that is not properly tested or really needed? There are reasons to be cautious.
Is it a fact or a fiction that there are 3 kinds of vaccines according to a nurse in Slovenia? 1 is a placebo - (a saltwater solution) - 2 is a classic RNA - 3 a RNA that contains the onco-gene, linked to the adenovirus that contributes to the development of cancer. This nurse quit her job in front of the rolling cameras:
And then we also have the issue about the batches:
Søren Ventegodt is worried about the “vaccine” cocktails and the batch numbers:
Recently German doctors have found impurities in COVID “Vaccines” from tiny glas pieces to worms. Not something you would like to have in your blood. Video:
Is it a fact that a German researcher has been murdered for telling about Graphene Oxide - the razor blade technic in the “vaccines”?
Is it a fact that Mr. Gates and his family’s interest in eugenics and investments in vaccines are finally showing their faces? This is a link to Mr. Gates’s Ted talk “Innovating to Zero” in 2010.
Short version:
Long version from 04:00 :
And are the Georgia Guidestones - - a guide to genocide ending with 500.000.000 people on Earth? The rest gone and The Great Reset as new guidelines in life for the rest of the population. Maybe this IS the plan. Maybe it IS a FACT. Maybe it is FICTION. But there is no time to sit and wait to find out.
There are lots of questions - but also answers, when you look for them. Some answers are on the front page of in the book CORONA-LØGNEN / THE CORONA LIE written by Hermann von Bering.
Lots of people are working to bring light on this “pandemic”. Among them the 1000 member team behind dr. Reiner Fuellmich and M. Fisher: Here is an update with Fuellmich and Maria Zeee:
To be continued ……