
- a society living by and for continuous warfare in which the ruling caste have ceased to have any real function but to succeed in clinging to power through force and fraud
— Quote Source: George Orwell

A Few Channelings From 2022

9th of January 2022:
The Tibetan:“Smiles are important. Many people need a smile. This is the times, when smiles are needed. True smiles - not untrue, surface smiles. Stuart wants to meet you.
Stuart: “Hi, so good you came. Yes, smiles are important at these days of unrest. Many people are afraid. Let me introduce to you 2 children, who have been neglected by their parents. They do not know smiling. They have a sad story to tell, but it is important.”
Girl: “Hello, Stuart has told about you, that you can sense dead people. I am dead, because my parents neglected me. I was not taken care of. On my way home from school I was taken from my parents and brought to a new country. My parents never found me although they and police searched for me. The new country was very barbaric. Girls could marry old men and I was married to an old man. This was a prestige for him in his country. I did not survive the marriage, because a child’s body is not created to suit an old grown mans body. I did not suffer in my death, because I was given a kind of drink, that made me sleep. When I woke up, I was dead and I met Stuart and other people. My parents do not know I am here. They are still mourning. I am fine now, but I will say to parents, that they are naive, when it comes to the safety of their children.” 
The other child is a boy. He is young - about 9 - 10 years.
Boy: “I was taken from my parents and also brought to another country - to the other side of the Earth. My hair is blond and I have blue eyes. This is a very seldom look in the country, where I was brought. Everyone have black hair and brown eyes. So I was a rare one. I was taken after school in a country, where one is supposed to be safe - we are not. There are gangs of men, who drive around and chase children. They sell the children for big amounts of money. I was taken into a van and brought out of the country in a container with other children. This is the way its done. Container traffic - human traffic and big, big money. I was sold to a sheik in an Arabic country. The men here have some strange and nasty habits, where they use young boys as women. They are not supposed to have sex before marriage, so they have sex with boys - young boys. This is an very old business and nasty. I was given a drug so I could not cry or alert the costoms. Some authorities know what is going on and they are payed. The whole thing is known and very secret. Now is the time, it must all come forward and be told. I died very soon after I came to the sheik. He was not a caring person. Some of the sheiks have killed several children and most boys. My look was a rare look, so I was expensive. The handlers earn a lot of money on children like me. I am well now. My parents do not know, what happened to me. They are very sad. Parents must look after their children - also in countries, where you think it is not necessary. In some countries it would be advised to have a kind of tracking system, when you go out of your door, so you can be found again. I am fine now and I am been taken good care of.”
Stuart: “I have told you, that you would meet some of the children, who were abducted. These are the first. In time you will meet more children - also some who have met reptiles and really ugly entities. Now is the time coming, when humanity must know, what has been going on on Earth for many centuries. Everything will be revealed. This will be nasty stuff to channel, but you have prepared so long and now is the time.”

30th of January 2022:
The Tibetan: “Hello, so nice you came to day. So much is happening all over the World - also in Denmark although everything seems quiet and peaceful. You are right, that THE STORM was a HAARP project. This time it was the good guys, who did it. It is to blow away all the bad atmosphere with the corona stuff. Its over in Denmark and the northern countries. Trust that. They are afraid now. The coming days - weeks - months comes the upheaval, when people go for the bad people, the politicians and so on. They must take responsibility for the bad things they did to people - and to children. Everything comes forward. Not all at once - but little by little. The times after the storm is a sign to go forward on your own without the politicians and the bad folks. Make your own life and do not trust authorities anymore. If they want to make new restrictions, people will not listen to them, but go on and live their own lives.”
Stuart: “Let’s talk a bit about what is going on in the World now. Many politicians are becoming afraid. They try to move away from their countries. This will not succeed. Many will come to trials the coming times. Many politicians are not able to understand the mess they are and have been doing towards people. They are coldhearted.”
”Many people will wake up. But we are not quite through the bad times. There are still people, who want to control and do people harm. But they are easier to spot. The police in DK will come back to the people and take the side of Danes. This is good.”

A Wake Up Call

“I am trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to walk through it.
— Quote Source: Morpheus to Neo from The Matrix

Some Channelings In 2021

Channeling from 3rd of January 2021:
St. John:I foresaw The Armageddon. You are in the midst of Armageddon. How strange is that. Does it feel hard? No! … not in the physics. Does it feel hard in the soul / the mind? Yes! The Armageddon is a kind of fight in the inner realms of society - a fight between good and evil / bad. The good will win eventually and the bad loose. We need to have the good winning. All over The Earth many people take this fight against evil.
The corona stuff is a big scam. It is so cruel towards humanity. This cruelty will have its end and the signs to the end is coming through 2021. Many people open their eyes and become more aware about, what is happening or / and also what is NOT happening. People see that few people die from the decease. They feel no excuse to have a vaccination and they refuse to take it. This is good. The vaccine is poisonous for ordinary people and for children. Time will show, what happens to people, that have a vaccination.
The Armageddon will last some time, so you will have some years to write. Its not over “tomorrow”. More people have to wake up before changes can happen. But don’t worry. The evil, fascist state will not come. It will die. 
Message from St. John: “The time now is the beginning of The Armageddon. This means you will fight with the good and the bad inside your souls. The good will win - trust that. Let the good manifest in your world and give the finger to the bad. This is how everything will become easier / lighter and more loving. Don’t despair. Trust your own inner feeling - not what authorities tells you to do. You are right - they are wrong and they do not decide over your soul and inner heart. You do.”

Channeling from 14th of february 2021:
A lot of people are sad and scared of this corona stuff - but they are also wondering because of the strange messages from governments - and that’s good people wonder. They are right to wonder. The whole thing is a scam to create mayhem, death and unrest. The people in the top - The Tall People you know of - want to kill the Earth population. But they see it’s not going well to kill people. They try and spread fear. It’s not going their way. They try and poison people with vaccines. It’s not going their way. There are good people who know, what is going on and they are beginning to wake up the populations. I have expected this to happen for many years. Everything will come to light. Not at one day, but little by little.”

Channeling from 3rd of April 2021:
The Tibetan: “There are changes everywhere. The energies are fighting. Good energy versus bad energy. The bad energy has to go. It is over. The good energy is so new and fragile; but it is strong. This Corona stuff will fall - more and more people see, that something is wrong. A lot of young people will not take the “vaccines”.
It’s difficult for people to decide for themselves. They are mostly like a flock of sheep - a herd and they ready on the sheepdog, when it barks at them. They obey. It’s easier to obey for most people. They will have a very difficultly time.”

Channeling from 31st of May 2021:
Stuart: ”We are celebrating. We are celebrating life and joy. We are so happy. Things are definitely growing towards better times on Earth plane and also here in the Spirit plane. We managed to clean the Spirit plane and have managed to clear the Earth plane. Things are much better everywhere. The bad people are suffering badly. They are all doomed. Things will upheaval and then flatten out. People will not take the vaccination, passports, corona, control any more. No, the transition will not bring back >the horse and carriage< - but people will find other ways to live. Out of the big cities. Soon everybody will see, what has happened during these past years.”

Channeling from 2nd of August 2021:
Stuart:The Devil is real and all his people live on Earth now. It is very clear, that evil is fighting - because they feel they are right - like the good feel they are right. But times are so, that evil have no place on Earth now. Evil must go. It will. Evil has done so many people very sad and damaged so many thoughts of good. It has to go. Good people cannot understand the size of the evil. They cannot comprehend. And evil cannot comprehend good. We live in times, when good and evil must know each other. Write your poem from Brazil on your site. The Tall People are under pressure. They never thought it would happen. They try to escape. Some can shape-shift, so ordinary people cannot see them. You can see them. Write about your experiences with the shape-shifters.”

Channeling from 4th of September 2021:
The Tibetan:Nothing happens to many people. The vaccine is / has changed. The vibrations are not of any danger to many. The solution is almost like saltwater. So don’t worry.
The people on earth are to be divided in twice. One part go with the dark. One part go with the light. Times will tell, who go where.”

Channeling from the 6th of December 2021:
Stuart: “The children get help. Humanity is very tampered / manipulated. So many parents will let their children vaccinate. This is bad; but fewer will die, because humanity have helpers in other realms, that will take care of the vaccine and the children. The situation on Earth will become more in a kind of turmoil, because the bad people are in a pressure. They are stressed and will do anything to prevent trials. But they will get caught. There will be trials. These trials have been going on for some years in secrecy - behind scenes. Now its time for the trials to be held in the open, so people can read about them and participate in discussions / debates. This is about time. 
Humanity will divide. Some people go this way - some go another. Deep State will vanish. About time. You will experience some of the new techniches like med-beds, flying cars, trips to The Moon, spaceships and so on.”
The Tibetan: “Let’s talk a bit. Don’t think a lot about these “vaccines” and the corona-stuff. Try and laugh about these “health” people and your Minister of State. They are in a mess now. They thought they could controle people with their fear mongering and hocus-pocus. They are very bad at making witchcraft. Old-fashioned. The helpers of humanity are much better. Better frequency, more love. Love heals. Love heals everything. The bad people thinks love is weakness. They laugh about it. They are more into tricks, old-fashioned tricks. They are doomed. Love is the way to go.“

Prison or Paradise?

Humanity is at a fork in the road and we can no longer stand there staring at the map pondering which direction to take. It is hardly a choice, after all. One road leads to a global fascist dictatorship that would control every aspect of our lives, including our thoughts. The other will open the door to freedom and potential on a scale never experienced in the ‘world’ as we have known it. Hard one, isn’t it? A choice between a prison and a paradise?
— Quote Source: David Icke

Few Channellings From 2020

Channeling from 29th of March 2020:
The Tibetan:Do not worry. Stuart will talk with you about these strange times. He has expected something like this to come. He is very happy. But go to Stuart. It’s his time now.” 
Stuart:Yes, there is something rotten in Denmark. You are right. Something is fishy. The power people want to reduce humanity to lesser amounts. They have prepared for a long time. They have built homes for themselves (underground), so they can survive. They want to spray people with a kind of deadly virus - and they have done - but they have not succeeded. People do not die, as they wished. This is why they send these strange messages - they are in doubt. They do not understand, why people do not die. It’s because humanity have helpers from other dimensions and from dimensions on Earth. Some tamper with the poisonous virus. This is a fight going on. The good of humanity will survive and win. The helpers are also the people you see here. They go and scare the bad people / the devilish people in this and other dimensions - ( like, you know, I and my helpers did on Earth ). They do things with the virus, so it is not poisonous. They can change the vibrational field of the virus, so it does not kill all people. These are things people will learn on Earth.”

Stuart: “Many people are safe. But the bad ones are not safe. They are getting scared, when they see their plans are not developing, the way they had prepared. Soon the World will see more clearly, what is going on, because the government and people in the top will do and say things, that will reveal them for who they are. It will be a bad sight and many people will begin to question, what is going on. People will start to see and wake up - and that can be scary - as you know. The bad people will try again in some years; but then many more people are awakened.”

Channeling from 18th of April 2020:
Stuart:Now - the reason I was content with the Corona outbreak is, that people begin to understand, how they are tricked upon. Evil people will begin to make mistakes and good people begin to wonder, what is going on. More and more people will begin to question and demand answers - good answers. It may take some time, but more and more people ask and look for better explanations than the ones officials, elite and government are giving. You will also see this in Denmark of all places. There are also corrupt people there - although they say there is not. Your Minister of State is a tampered (?) person - kind of brainwashed through many years. Look at her eyes and look at many politicians eyes. Do they have the love feeling or the heart feeling in their eyes? No! You can see it, because you know that feeling. Many people do not know that feeling, so they do not see it. They just believe, because she / they are authorities. They do not SEE the person, behind the mask. You see and many other see. More will come.” 

Channeling from 5th of November 2020:
“Don’t think about 5G. It will become better and be fixed with another frequency. The vaccines will all fall, because the Corona will show it’s ugly face towards the crooked people. The Corona is not dangerous. It’s just what they say. So just laugh of these stupid people. Your Minister of State will fall. She deserves to fall.”
Tibetan: “We on this side are not worrying about the bad conditions on Earth. Times are very good for changing for the better. The coming time a lot of bad stuff will be revealed. You will not become frightened so much, because you know about these nasty things - but a lot of people will become very sad and frightened. We can help and spread love, understanding and caring.” 

Channeling from 21st of December 2020:
Jesper:It's great to meet you. Don't worry about anything. Everything resolves for the best - including this vaccine nonsense - because it is nonsense. People scare populations. That is the wrong thing to do.”
Stuart: “Don’t think about the vaccine. It’s a bad trick towards people. The vaccine is a tampered poison and don’t take it. Times will show, that the vaccine will fall, but also the people behind the vaccines. Gates is a crook. He is not to be believed - like so many other of these devilish people in the Deep State Agenda. They are doomed. It’s all over for them. There may go a little time yet. Don’t worry about that. Everything is taken care of. The people you see here, are also taken care of every thing. Your Minister of State will fail again and go down. Many people behind her too. And other politicians.”
I look at the other people and they all greet me and smile. “Don’t worry”, they say and smile.
“Humanity is taking a big step forward and will not take the bad anymore. Don’t worry.”

Morpheus to Neo

The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it
— Quote Source: Morpheus from The Matrix


The truth doesn’t change, because you don’t want to hear it.
— Quote Source: Unknown

The 'useless' people

Once we know how to PRODUCE bodies and minds, what do we do with all the useless people?
— Quote Source: Yuval Noah Harari - WEF Adviser


First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent …
— Quote Source: Bill Gates - from a TED Talk in February 2010