Channeling on the 2nd of August 2021
Channeling about war, a new era, good and evil.
The Tibetan: Hi, hello there, so nice to see you. These are extreme times, thats why you are tired. It will be better. You are tired because you can feel the agony of The World, all the evilness and sadness. It is extreme, the evilness. We are in a fight / a war. The war is kind of over in the inner realms, but it has not yet reached the outer World. It will come. A lot of people go scared… ( I censor here )… Stuart is expecting you. Let’s talk later. See you.”
Stuart: “This is Thomas. He was an apostle. He wants to say something to you.”
Thomas: “The war you experience on Earth has been foretold for many years. Many people know, what is going on. ( I sensor here ) … Jesus talked about these times. When you reed The Bible, you will find the words he said about these times. We are crossing into a new era / new times, where LOVE is the way to go. These times is a goodbye to the old ways. Not an abrupt goodbye - but a goodbye, that can be seen and felt. Jesus came from the future to these people, that walked with him. He had experienced the times, we go through now. A lot of people will have a very sad time the coming couple of years. This is the time, when you will use your website. We, from this side, will help guide people … ( I sensor here )… I’ll come back later. See you.”
Stuart: “Yes, it’s fun, that we are able to help and guide humans from other realms, but later in a couple of hundreds of years - it will be more known to humans, that they can receive help from other realms.
Now … The Event is a way of life, that is easier for a lot of people. It is a kind of “stop The World I want to go off” event. It is the evil forces, that try to kill humans. The Devil is real and all his people live on Earth now. It is very clear, that evil is fighting - because they feel they are right - like the good feel they are right. But times are so, that evil have no place on Earth now. Evil must go. It will. Evil has done so many people very sad and damaged so many thoughts of good. It has to go. When you hear about actors and wellknown people and the evil they have done to children, then evil have gone too far. Good people cannot understand the size of the evil. They cannot comprehend. And evil cannot comprehend good. We live in times, when good and evil must know each other…( I sensor here )… The Tall People are under pressure. They never thought it would happen. They try to escape. Some can shape-shift, so ordinary people cannot see them. You can see them. Write about your experiences with the shape-shifters.
The HAARP situation is clearly manmade. The evil ones use HAARP to controll the war. Soon you will see the Media write other kinds of news. This will be bad news… ( I sensor here )… Don’t worry about a thing. Everything is going according to plan. Let’s part.”
Tibetan: “So, don’t worry. Everything is fine. Earth will blossom and will not go under. There will be some upheaval, but no real danger….
Peace in Mind
Channeling - a very short message
From a channeling on the 10th of May 2023…. :
Stuart: “…… Soon people around Europe and The World will start to wake up in masses. This is about to happen big time. Keep on drawing and writing. I can understand you do not like to write about adrenochrome and the children.
I understand that - but you will get more strength and you will start to write. … But the coming months will become hard for a lot of people around The World. MSM will be starting to write about truth…… “
Your Truth Matters
It can be difficult to navigate during these times some call The Secret War. In The Zeta Newsletter on the 8th of January 2023 there are several links to click on. These links leeds to photographs of doubles - before and after. Be your own judge and believe your own eyes.
Click and scroll down to the photos in the newsletter:
The Black Sheep
Nuremberg Code
The Nuremberg Code is a set of ethical research principles for human experimentation created by the court in one of the Subsequent trials, that were held after the Second World War. The Nuremberg Code aimed to protect human subjects from enduring the kind of cruelty and exploitation the prisoners endured at concentration camps. The 10 elements of the code are:
1. Voluntary consent is essential
2. The results of any experiment must be for the greater good of society.
3. Human experiments should be based on previous animal experimentation
4. Experiments should be conducted by avoiding physical/mental suffering and injury
5. No experiments should be conducted if it is believed to cause death/disability
6. The risks should never exceed the benefits.
7. Adequate facilities should be used to protect subjects
8. Experiments should be conducted only by qualified scientists
9. Subjects should be able to end their participation at any time.
10. The scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment when injury, disability, or death is likely to occur.
The Ant Revolution from: "A Bug's Life"
Silent No More
New Zealand ‘Vaccine’ Catastrophe Documentary (Silent No More NZ).
The beautiful country comprised of the North and South Islands, has taken one of the most draconian approaches to mass vaccination. By threatening “No Jab, No Job” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has managed to force >90% into COVID-19 vaccination. As a result, there are visible signs of vaccine injuries, disability, and death occurring as the effects of repeated injections set in.
Click to play video: SilentNo MoreNZ1:
The website:
After Vax Puts Thai Princess Into Coma, Thailand May Become 1st Country To Nullify Pfizer Contracts. Video: 12 min
Latest mortality figures for Denmark in week 4, 2023
På den danske blog Snaphanen den 14. februar 2023 kan ses denne video om overdødeligheden verden over. Fx Tyskland med 44%. I videoen spørger Dr. Campell: “Hvorfor er det ikke tophistorie på alle nyheder?”
Silent No More
A Happy New Year Channeling
Channeling on the 31st of December 2022. About the year 2023.
The Tibetan says: “So nice to see you here on the last day of year 2022. So much has happened and much more will happen. Everything for the good and betterment for people - for humanity. First we have the turmoil - then the happiness. Lets go to Stuart.”
Stuart: “The World will still experience upheaval. More and more people will become aware that politicians have misused their power over the people: corona, WHO, WEF, UN, vaccines and so on. Little by little there will be revelations that show people, how they have been lied to. This is good - although this is painfull to watch. Many people all over the World will become angry and sad and start ignore politicians - also in Denmark. Your prime minister and her staff will … I censor here … Justice will come. It looks like … I censor here … can get away with the minkkillings, vaccines, closing the country down and more - but there are people, who will … I censor here … Justice has to come. All over the World more and more people will become aware of the slavebinding society politicians / leaders have created for humanity. More secrets will be reviled about The Tall Ones and people become angry. Also more people will know about the exploitation of children. This is very, very sad for humanity to become aware about. Exploitation of this kind will never happen again on Earth. This was evil of it’s heights - or deepest. Humanity will have a lesson for all time. Many leaders have been sentenced and … I sensor here … behind scenes for some years now. This process will become more open, so people can see, that justice is being done. This has healing effects. The economy of people will be much better and the gold part will become reality for all. (My comment: is this the coming of Nesara/Gesara?). Do not become scared of the Nibiru. It’s just a naturel phenomenon and space people are helping bring the devastations to a minimum … and do not trust the tsunami and flooding threats. Help is already on the way. And is being practised all over the Globe. Humanity have helpers. Good helpers. Let’s stop for now. See you next year. Have a nice evening.”
A Tesla Quote
Yuletide - Yulefest
From a channeling on the 25th of December 2013: Tibetan says:
“… … De Høje Folk holder ikke jul. Julen er noget de har fundet på. I meget gamle dage fejrede man solen/lyset på denne tid. Man lavede lys fester. Vikingerne og vikingernes forfædre fejrede solen. Derfor Solvognen. Mange fejrer stadig lysets komme på denne tid og særligt på den nordlige halvkugle. De Høje ønskede, at skabe en religiøs lysfest, for at holde folk i en kontrol. Derfor opfandt man, at Jesus blev født julenat. Det var solen, som blev født. Mange folk fejrede stadig solen, så man lagde den kristne del og sol delen sammen og fejrede yule med masser af mad og fest og senere med mad og de religiøse fester. I Danmark har man bevaret flere af de ældgamle solskikke. Derfor er danskere glade for julen. Det er en hyggelig tid, hvor man besøger familien og giver gaver… …”
English translation of the channeling:
”… …The Tall People do not celebrate Christmas. Christmas is something they made up. In the very old days, the sun/light was celebrated at this time. One made light parties. The Vikings and Viking ancestors celebrated the sun. Hence the Sun Chariot. Many still celebrate the coming of light at this time and especially in the northern hemisphere. The Tall Ones wanted to create a religious festival of lights to keep people in control. Therefore, it was invented that Jesus was born on Christmas night. It was the sun that was born. Many people still celebrated the sun, so they put the Christian part and the sun part together and celebrated yule with lots of food and feast and later with food and the religious feasts. In Denmark, several of the ancient sun customs have been preserved. That's why Danes are happy with Christmas. It's a nice time to visit family and give gifts… …"
Waking up
The Truth and The Tall People - The Anunnaki
A channeling from the 5th of December 2022. Stuart says: “You want to know, when MSM (Main Stream Media) will write The Truth? Not yet - they are scared, because their silence has been far too long time and now its difficult to “take the word” and be truthful. They have lied and manipulated people for years - longer than we understand - not just journalists - but all leading people through centuries. Why? Why? They want to control everything: the money, events, history. They are the leaders and will know everything in order to control everything. This is a sick kind of mind - of living life. They will not succeed. They have controlled longer than we can imagine. They are the Anunnaki* and their offspring - the royalty and so on.
The Anunnaki came around 450.000 years ago. Humanity lived in the Garden of Eden and lived in love with each other. Lived of The Earth. They lived with loving hearts as is the original way of living. The Anunnaki came with a flotilla of flying machines. They came and saw a beautiful place and they loved The Earth. They were not able to fully work with The Earth, because they were after gold, which was plentiful on Earth. They needed the gold as richness - a personal richness - and for healing. They ate it - they used it as a medicine. Crushed it and ate it. (My comment: Was this Monatomic gold?). They learned people to get it up from Earth. People were not interested in gold. They used it for noting - like other metals.
The Anunnaki began to educate people to work to get the gold. In the beginning they payed with food for the gold. Later they did not pay. They began to force people to work. For centuries people of The Earth worked for the Anunnaki and they - the Anunnaki - became slavemasters. Not officially, but in the dark. Hidden. As years went by, they manipulated people’s bodies in a way, they could work better for the Anunnaki. As time went by the Anunnaki mingled with people and were better accepted, but they were always “the elite”. This was their safety - a way they could hide. All royalty have a bit ‘anunnaki’ in their blood. All important politicians, leaders in society and so on. But we never see the important ones.
Lately Rothchild's and Rockefellar’s leading members of these families are dead. We saw the picture of a man with a very elongated scalp/skull**. He was partly Anunnaki***. He is hiding now. There are few elongated heads at the present time.”
My comment: The above photograph is taken with a mobile camera of a video found on the Web. It shows how these tall women arrange their robes while walking. The other woman is a kind of companion. If you want to know more - here are links for a start:
A Reminder On Date 22.11.2022
From a channeling the 6th of december 2021. The Tibetan says: “Don’t think a lot about these “vaccines” and the corona-stuff. Try and laugh about these “health” people and your Minister of State. They are in a mess now. They thought they could controle people with their fear mongering and hocus-pocus. They are very bad at making witchcraft. Old-fashioned. The helpers of humanity are much better, better frequency, more love. Love heals. Love heals everything. The bad people thinks love is weakness. They laugh about it. They are more into tricks, old-fashioned tricks. They are doomed. Love is the way to go.”
And from a channeling the 30th of December 2021. Stuart says: “ Lets talk a bit about next year (2022). Europe is still having problems. People are very annoyed about the corona stuff. There are some, who have not yet seen it’s all a scam. They believe deeply in authorities and will not believe governments have done them wrong. But more and more people are awakening to the truth, that they have been taken as slaves - they have been wronged.
Many more people will die from the “vaccines”. This is part of a plan, so people can see, what is wrong in The World. The people who die have made a deal before they were born to take this task. They are very brave. Some die with great pain. During January and February more and more people will open their eyes and not take new “vaccines”. In March a lot more people are awake and deaths of vaccinated people cannot be hidden any more. Some politicians will be hunted down the streets - also in Denmark of all places. Not a pretty sight. But people are right to protest. They are being killed and they cannot believe, what has happened. They are traumatised. Next year things turn to the better slowly by slowly. And soon it’s over. But first the deaths and the unrest.”
The Tibetan says: “I want to tell you a bit about the coming year. This corona stuff will die out. More people wake up and see how they have been lied to. It will not be a pretty sight to see your politicians faces. They are weak and greedy people. They did it for the money, positions and the “glory”. They thought, they would be mingling with the rich and mighty. That is their fault - their lesson - a very strange lesson. They will all fall. And they have started to feel the consequences of their acts.”
Is truth coming out?
It's so simple
Deadly Boosters?
COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries From Around The World (Graphic Content)
Stew Peters film Died Suddenly med svensk text. Video: 1:08:37. Not for children to look at.
Enormous Danger – UN Agenda 2030 With Dr. Michael Yeadon. Video: 1:07:31
There are loads of information out there. Not yet so much in main stream media, but it will come out.