Peace in Mind

For at opnå fred i sindet må vi erkende, at jorden kan åbne sig under os, at en tidsindstillet bombe tikker i vores skab, og alligevel nyde vores Shangri-la. Det vigtigste er ikke, at problemet er væk; det vigtigste er, hvordan vi lever - samtidig med at vi har dette problem.
— Quote Source: Chungliang Al Huang

Your Truth Matters

You’re gonna hit a point where you’re no longer interested in convincing people, that how you feel and who you are is valid, and decide that as long as you know your truth and that works for you, that’s all that matters.
— Quote Source: @notoriousaali

Silent No More

New Zealand ‘Vaccine’ Catastrophe Documentary (Silent No More NZ).
The beautiful country comprised of the North and South Islands, has taken one of the most draconian approaches to mass vaccination. By threatening “No Jab, No Job” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has managed to force >90% into COVID-19 vaccination. As a result, there are visible signs of vaccine injuries, disability, and death occurring as the effects of repeated injections set in. 

Click to play video: SilentNo MoreNZ1:

The website:

After Vax Puts Thai Princess Into Coma, Thailand May Become 1st Country To Nullify Pfizer Contracts. Video: 12 min

Latest mortality figures for Denmark in week 4, 2023

På den danske blog Snaphanen den 14. februar 2023 kan ses denne video om overdødeligheden verden over. Fx Tyskland med 44%. I videoen spørger Dr. Campell: “Hvorfor er det ikke tophistorie på alle nyheder?”

A Tesla Quote

I don’t care that they stole my idea … I care that they don’t have any of their own.
— Quote Source: Nikola Tesla, Inventor. 1856 - 1943

Waking up

I didn’t wake up one day and think to myself “I’m going to start speaking on something extremely controversial that goes against the norm, lose all my friends, and be thought of as crazy” 
No. I experienced multiple events that fundamentally transformed my perceptions.
— Quote Source: Unknown


Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.
— Quote Source: Giordano Bruno, philosopher, poet, martyr, mystic. 1548 - 1600.

A Reminder On Date 22.11.2022

From a channeling the 6th of december 2021. The Tibetan says:Don’t think a lot about these “vaccines” and the corona-stuff. Try and laugh about these “health” people and your Minister of State. They are in a mess now. They thought they could controle people with their fear mongering and hocus-pocus. They are very bad at making witchcraft. Old-fashioned. The helpers of humanity are much better, better frequency, more love. Love heals. Love heals everything. The bad people thinks love is weakness. They laugh about it. They are more into tricks, old-fashioned tricks. They are doomed. Love is the way to go.”

And from a channeling the 30th of December 2021. Stuart says: “ Lets talk a bit about next year (2022). Europe is still having problems. People are very annoyed about the corona stuff. There are some, who have not yet seen it’s all a scam. They believe deeply in authorities and will not believe governments have done them wrong. But more and more people are awakening to the truth, that they have been taken as slaves - they have been wronged.

Many more people will die from the “vaccines”. This is part of a plan, so people can see, what is wrong in The World. The people who die have made a deal before they were born to take this task. They are very brave. Some die with great pain. During January and February more and more people will open their eyes and not take new “vaccines”. In March a lot more people are awake and deaths of vaccinated people cannot be hidden any more. Some politicians will be hunted down the streets - also in Denmark of all places. Not a pretty sight. But people are right to protest. They are being killed and they cannot believe, what has happened. They are traumatised. Next year things turn to the better slowly by slowly. And soon it’s over. But first the deaths and the unrest.”

The Tibetan says: “I want to tell you a bit about the coming year. This corona stuff will die out. More people wake up and see how they have been lied to. It will not be a pretty sight to see your politicians faces. They are weak and greedy people. They did it for the money, positions and the “glory”. They thought, they would be mingling with the rich and mighty. That is their fault - their lesson - a very strange lesson. They will all fall. And they have started to feel the consequences of their acts.”

Is truth coming out?