"How can the Trolls think other thoughts?” - part 2

Visualization* / Clairvoyance 12th of April 2020:
"I see the origins of the Corona River in the mountains. The Trolls are looking at the River. They have no hearts ie - they have no empathy and compassion and have no insight into the lives and beings of other creatures. They believe that they are the only creatures that have beings. All other creatures they consider "cattle" / inferior. The Trolls have always been like that. Therefore, the River is not a being either - a living entity / an organism in Everything / its own being. The Trolls don't look at the River as living. They look at the River as a thing for their own good ie - the River flows down the mountain to habitable areas. That's why the Trolls don't have to come forward and show up. They can work in secret and let the River do the work. In doing so, those who experience the poison of the River believe that it is the nature of the River and not the Trolls - who put poison in the river - that cause people to die.

One can stay away from poison, evil, ills, negativity and thereby undermine the power of the Trolls i.e. pay close attention to reports that come from there and manners that exhibit human coldness, cruelty, lack of compassion, loveless relationships - all kinds of cruelty and negativity. You can open your eyes and look around and walk away from evil. This undermines the power of the Trolls and will slowly wither. You can enjoy the smallest, loveliest, happiest moments and show that you are happy so that your neighbour can see it.

The power of the Trolls is great and power people attach themselves to the Trolls, because they get help from the Trolls to retain and strengthen their own power. Politicians - who we have learned are credible - use them a lot. We must be open to what is said and find out whether these power people and politicians want the good for their fellow human beings. Very few think of the good of their fellow human beings. Most people need the power, the money - the good pay. This shall teach people to SEE - and go the other way - away from the darkness and towards the bright and happy and compassionate, compassion, love, and living life in joy; but with an attention and learning that there are Trolls behind when evil, injustice and greed are experienced. One can find out how to live together in a different kind of community where humanity prevails. It may take time; but someone starts - and then it spreads that way.

The Trolls will try their "tricks" again; but the more people are doing the good - the less influence the Trolls will have. Eventually, they will sit and "grump" themselves and disappear into the black mountain. They will always try to come back with their evils and people will sometimes think the Trolls are some exciting "cousins" – BUT most people will also learn that with goodness and love one lives the very best life on Earth, as was always the intention of humans.”
(text is translated from danish)

*Background to the visualization / clairvoyance:
Client A asks me on 8. April 2020: "It's a bit of a mess they’re so greedy. How can they think other thoughts?"

(*The visualization is done with the inspiration of psychologist and shaman Dr. Stephen Gallegos in combination with my own clairvoyant and meditative method. Lilian Frederiksen.) 

"What causes the global Lockdown?” - part 1

Visualization* / Clairvoyance 3rd of April 2020:
"I see a small spring in a very dark and almost black landscape. It's chirped out of a crevice in the rock. The water is very clear, blue and luminous; but its color is becoming more and more like yellowish. It flows down the cliffs and heads for the sea. On the way, animals come and drink from it. They're falling over. The water is deadly.

On the River's path to the sea, several animals die and also humans are affected. The River comes through areas with mountain people. They know they can't drink the water and they give way in awe. They know how to behave. The River comes to areas with green grass. Here on the banks of the River, the grass turns yellow and wilted. The River is toxic.

Further ahead there is a place where the water has to go through a sewage treatment plant. These are people who have seen how the water destroys and kills and deserts areas. These people are enlightened and well informed and skilled. They have long been preparing for the River to come to their territory. They're prepared. They're wearing white clothes and masks on their faces. They ensure that the waters of the River are led into large plants where the water is purified so that it is no longer toxic. This process takes time and in the meantime the world stands still.

What happened at the source of the River was that some powerful - a kind of "trolls" - poured poison into the clear, blue River. The poison spread. The Trolls did not like the people who lived down the mountain and in the valley, because there were precious metals in its soil that the Trolls wanted for themselves. The white figures knew about the Trolls and had long built on the sewage treatment plant.

The Trolls are angry that the plant is built and seek to scare the enlightened ones. It will not succeed. The toxic water reaches to kill some people; but the majority of the people on the mountain and in the valleys survive. The Trolls are angry and retreat into their dark rock caves to devise new plans, because their greed for the metals and wealth is undiminished. They're just mad:-(

The treatment plant works and on the other side of it gathers a beautiful, bluish and clear source of purified water. Here in these areas, people can stay in peace and outside danger. But the people have learned and have seen that there are creatures / "Trolls" who want to kill to get what belongs to everyone. The people have learned a lesson and become more attentive because the Trolls will try again. The people learn to look after each other.”
(text is translated from danish)

*Background to the Visualization* / Clairvoyance:
Client V asks me on 31 March 2020: "I've been wondering if you've asked about the Corona"

(*The visualization is done with the inspiration of psychologist and shaman Dr. Stephen Gallegos in combination with my own clairvoyant and meditative method. Lilian Frederiksen.) 

About Earth Right Now

Part of a channeling the 4th of September 2021. Stuart: ”Now, I want to say a bit about the situation on Earth right now. The parties that fight are the good towards the bad. The good will win. People will understand the good way is the best for humanity. Humanity will learn. And humanity have helpers too all over The Earth…….. The times now are in an upheaval towards many people. They do not have weapons to defend themselves. The bad people are very bad fx in Australia, where I still have friends. But people will eventually learn to fight. They must fight, if they want to be / keep on being free. The bad ones will use all kinds of tricks to make life difficult for people - also in Denmark. Not like in Australia, but with other means. The good guys will win all over the world - but it will take a little time before things can be seen or felt in the daily life……”

About Corona and The Election in US

Part of a channeling from 5th of November 2020:
Stuart: You want to know what happens in US and with Corona. It’s so … it doesn’t matter who wins. The good forces, who have begun to cleanse are working faster, so things will come to light in a way, that it has no meaning who wins. The administration in US is rotten and it will begin to fall by itself during these days. This means a president is of no much help. The army is true to Trump and will help him a lot. They are all ready having a war inside US and in the underground. It’s true they free all the ……… ( I censor here ) and thats why the Biden side will do anything to stop Trump. The army will win. They have made video’s of all the wars inside US. These video’s will soon emerge. Biden is no good man. He has a lot of bad moral and lots of cases with ……… ( I censor here ). So this is very bad. Everything will come to light at the right times………. 

……….The Cabal will not succeed to kill humanity. So many good people are waiting / wanting to create good and loving spirit and surroundings to people. They fight. Some with their life. Trump will cleanse a lot of very bad people out of office and very quickly, so don’t think about, who wins. The army will help Trump.

…………Don’t think about 5G. It will become better and be fixed with another frequency. Tesla and Elon Musk will see to that. They do not want people to become zombies. Trust that. The vaccines will all fall, because the Corona will show it’s ugly face towards the crooked people. The Corona is not dangerous. It’s just what they say. So just laugh of these stupid people……….

The Tibetan: “ You had a long talk with Stuart. We on this side are not worrying about the bad conditions on Earth. Times are very good for changing for the better. The coming time a lot of bad stuff will be revealed. You will not become frightened so much, because you know about these nasty things - but a lot of people will become very sad and frightened. You can help each other and spread love, understanding and caring.” 

Happy Days Coming


From a channeling the 31st May 2021. Stuart: Hello, so nice you came. We are celebrating. We are celebrating life and joy. We are so happy. Things are definitely growing towards better times on Earth plane and also here in the Spirit plane. We managed to clean the Spirit plane and have managed to clear the Earth plane. Things are much better everywhere … … The bad people are suffering badly. They are all doomed. Soon it will emerge in the daily news, what is going on. Many people will suffer greatly … … Prepare yourself for changes - good changes. The corona stuff is soon ending. The vaccinations are ending. Politicians know their days are numbered … … We are celebrating here now. It takes a little time before things can be seen on The Earth Plane - but wait and see. Things will upheaval and then flatten out. People will not take the vaccination, passports, corona, control any more. Icke will have a even greater brake-through … … No, the transition will not bring back >the horse and carriage< - but people will find other ways to live - like you will.”

Meeting "Winnetou"

About “Winnetou”, chemtrails and The High People in hiding

From a channeling the 9th of July 2013: ….. As I enter the hallway, I see a green cape hanging on the hook next to the red cape. Inside, I see a figure covered in a green cape. Don't see his face.
The Tibetan meets me and says: "I think you should meet “Winnetou." He's an Indian chief. His people found the joy of living with nature*. That is how the children and adults of the future will live. There will be other amenities, cleaner cities and homes, abundant food produced on large farms; but people want to live simply and naturally in harmony with nature. Clean water and clean skies. No chemtrails. They are dangerous to humanity. They contain toxins that make people sick. It will not succeed in making people sick in large quantities. Chemtrails will be stopped. Nato has a large stake in chemtrails. They want to use........ (have written 2 lines on top of each other and can not remember what was communicated)....... for war purposes...... Spraying....... Can spray metal out so that the sky becomes like a screen - a computer screen, then you can send out sound waves and create pictures in the sky to scare off. Weather is also being manipulated in large areas of the United States. They want to put big areas deserted because there are things in the ground.... things have been found in the ground to be extracted for war purposes. They want people away from the areas. "They" are a small group of people who don't want the best for Earth.

They don't care and are only possessed of money, power and fame. They are few and hidden. The people you've heard of and seen aren't the few I'm talking about. The few are hidden. They are very tall and not of this Earth. The others you know are afraid of The High People. There are people who know The High People and want to cooperate; but The High People only want the Earth for themselves. They're greedy. They have caves in some places on the ground where relatives live. They will not succeed in destroying the Earth. Some of the people you know of are in the process of undoing the cooperation and will ultimately betray The High People. It will be a few more years; but still pay attention to what the group you know about go about and do. It will not succeed. The High People come from another planet and don't belong here. They have been here since way back; but have worked slowly to get as far as now. Many people are aware that something is wrong on Earth; but few have really understood. David Icke and Stuart Wilde, both of whom you know and have known and followed, know about these High People. There is work going on behind the scenes in other dimensions to get rid of The High People. Say hello to “Winnetou”. I'm looking at the chief. He lifts his head so I can see the face under the green cape. That's Stuart's face!!! He greets and smiles a little. He says, "We're going to meet again."

Det øde landskab / The Desolate Landscape


Tibetaneren: “Du blev vist de øde områder på den nordlige halvkugle Rusland, Sibirien, Canada, Alaska. De nordiske folkeslag - folkene på den nordiske halvkugle vil arbejde sammen med at opdyrke disse enorme områder. Der opfindes nogle metoder, så områderne kan opdyrkes / sol / vind / vandingssystemer / kanaler i kæmpe områder. Jorden er meget frugtbar her og kan brødføde mange mennesker. Der findes 6-7 milliarder mennesker nu. Jorden kan brødføde mange, mange flere mennesker. Jorden har meget plads til mange, mange flere mennesker. Det er noget man fortæller / bilder folk ind, at der ikke er plads nok på jorden. På andre planeter lever mange, mange flere mennesker sammen. På Jorden er der meget plads.
Det nordlige folks samarbejde vil inspirere den sydlige halvkugles folk, så de også begynder at opdyrke ørkenområder og de kolde syd områder nær den sydlige pol. Man opfinder metoder til at opdyrke i kolde områder.” 

Uddrag af en kanalisering fra Tibetaneren modtaget den 5. juli 2013


The Tibetan: "You were shown the desolate areas of the northern hemisphere Russia, Siberia, Canada, Alaska. The Nordic peoples - the peoples of the Nordic hemisphere will work together to cultivate these huge areas. Some methods are invented so that the areas can be cultivated / sun / wind / irrigation systems / channels in huge areas. The soil is very fertile here and can feed many people. There are 6-7 billion people now. The Earth can feed many, many more people. The Earth has a lot of room for many, many more people. It's something you tell / imagine people that there's not enough space on The Earth. On other planets, many, many more people live together. On Earth, there's a lot of space.
The cooperation of the northern people will inspire the people of the southern hemisphere so that they also begin to cultivate desert areas and the cold southern areas near the southern pole. Methods of cultivating in cold areas are invented."

Excerpts of a channeling from The Tibetan received on July 5, 2013