Part of Channelings from 2013 About Politics

My Comment: On Sunday the 23rd of January 2022 The social-conservative Danish People's Party chose a new leader, Morten Messerschmidt. Just remembered a channelling, when I read about the election.

Channeling the 15th of August 2013.
The Angel: “……….there will be other times when people are respected. The Danish People's Party will have a big election and people will understand that you can trust them. That's why they'll get more respect. Messerschmidt will get a lot of votes again."

Channeling the 29th of September 2013.
Stuart: "You see, it's heavy on the High People these days. It's about power. Some have started to “slip their tongues”. It's felt in the ranks of the Highs. Your prime minister (Thorning Schmidt) will have a bad election. This is because she only likes herself and her office - not the Danish people.

She loses many seats and has to leave office. That's a good thing. She is close to the Highs and her husband is one of them - just as ( …I censor here… ) was/is. The Tax Case will not be solved. There's too much evidence that something has happened. The case is never heard and implemented………..

……….The Danish People's Party comes in with more votes than anticipated. The party wins on closer acquaintance and many citizens are in their quiet minds happy that the party gets many votes. The party is getting closer to influence.

Messerschmidt becomes leader/minister/prime minister (?). He gets many years in Danish politics. People are starting to like him. He sits for a long time and becomes very popular and loved. You don't think so now; but times changes and Messerschmidt stands for something positive that Danes like. Therefore, he is loved."

"Vaccine" Crime Investigation ...

UK Lawyer Anna de Buisseret informs a Police Constable that the INTERNATIONAL COURTS (UK CRIME INVESTIGATION NUMBER 6029679/21) have started an investigation towards ALL VACCINE CRIMINALS and anyone who continues vaccines will be held liable and be arrested.

This law suite was filed in the U.K. and the INTERNATIONAL COURT in the HAGUE has taken up the investigations. The video is published 19th of January on Bitchute. Time 11:22 minuttes


Fact Or Fiction - Vaccination. Part 3


Why the eagerly pushing to make people take a gene-therapy “vaccine”, that seems to be unhealthy to get inside a body? On top of this we have a pressure in Denmark from our Prime Minister on the unvaccinated to be vaccinated. This is contrary to several international conventions, and has now led to police reporting from a private citizen. A danish link:

There is much political pressure, haste and even threats from governments in many countries (Australia, Canada, Austria are among them) towards citizens to be vaccinated with this gene-therapy “vaccine”. This is a bad behaviour and ordinary people do not like to be pushed to do this or that, when the information is one-sided, controlling and political - specially when it is about ones health.

We have though many very totalitarian politicians at the moment, who are not quite open about their intensions. So people have to consider to go another way and use their common sense and love for themselves and their family, friends and neighbours. Become more carefull and alert. 

Our natural immunesystem is far more intelligent than our politicians. And the good news is, we can protect ourselves by other means than the “vaccine”. There are good reasons to take good care of oneself in these tough times and use your right to say NO.

Say NO, ignore and do not give all your attention to the dark and negative narrative, that the pharmacy has developed into. The Hippocratic Oath “Do no harm” is all forgotten.

There are everyday nutritions, herbs and foods that can be used to boost the immunesystem. This is what I have in my kitchen: Vitamine D, C, Magnesium, Selen, Zink, Colloid Silver, Camomile Tee, Echinaforce® drops, Apples, Lime, Citrus and Grape-fruits. I make my own medicine during the flu season: This is the English reference:

It also looks like, there are ways to detox our body from the nano particles from chemtrails to smart dust and graphene:

Claus Hancke MD, is a specialist in general medicine and has good news for the unvaccinated: And have articles about detox after a “vaccine”.

As always go see a doctor, when you are sick and maybe if it feels right for you …… use the backdoor.
It is your choice - always.

Fact Or Fiction - Vaccination. Part 2

It looks like the gene-therapy “vaccines” do not work as they are supposed to - you need more of them - and that a natural infection can produce a lot more antibodies. This is an article from a danish newspaper:

Officially there are more deaths in Denmark a month after vaccination. An insight given to a retired danish doctor from SSI shows, that 5637 Danes died 1 month after 1st and 2nd vaccination. Danish link:

The sicknesses and deaths after the vaccinations seems to be more heart attacks as dr John Campbell explains in this video:

This video shows some complications of vaccines: Athletes, reporters and patients are collapsing and fainting:

Why are most side effects in male athletics hearth problems after vaccination? And why do US pilot deaths increase by 1,750% after the COVID vaccine rollout? Why mess up your heart and health for a “vaccine”, that is not properly tested or really needed? There are reasons to be cautious.

Is it a fact or a fiction that there are 3 kinds of vaccines according to a nurse in Slovenia? 1 is a placebo - (a saltwater solution) - 2 is a classic RNA - 3 a RNA that contains the onco-gene, linked to the adenovirus that contributes to the development of cancer. This nurse quit her job in front of the rolling cameras:

And then we also have the issue about the batches:
Søren Ventegodt is worried about the “vaccine” cocktails and the batch numbers:

Recently German doctors have found impurities in COVID “Vaccines” from tiny glas pieces to worms. Not something you would like to have in your blood. Video:

Is it a fact that a German researcher has been murdered for telling about Graphene Oxide - the razor blade technic in the “vaccines”?

Is it a fact that Mr. Gates and his family’s interest in eugenics and investments in vaccines are finally showing their faces? This is a link to Mr. Gates’s Ted talk “Innovating to Zero” in 2010.
Short version:
Long version from 04:00 :

And are the Georgia Guidestones - - a guide to genocide ending with 500.000.000 people on Earth? The rest gone and The Great Reset as new guidelines in life for the rest of the population. Maybe this IS the plan. Maybe it IS a FACT. Maybe it is FICTION. But there is no time to sit and wait to find out.

There are lots of questions - but also answers, when you look for them. Some answers are on the front page of in the book CORONA-LØGNEN / THE CORONA LIE written by Hermann von Bering.

Lots of people are working to bring light on this “pandemic”. Among them the 1000 member team behind dr. Reiner Fuellmich and M. Fisher: Here is an update with Fuellmich and Maria Zeee:

To be continued ……

Fact Or Fiction - Vaccination. Part 1

I grew up in a home, where we had a family doctor, who knew about my family’s health conditions, so he could easily advice, when we had any sickness, that needed pharmacy medicine or vaccination.

My parents were also using health advices from the wise women and men using natural herbs. These healers had personal prescription-books and were also local farmers or neighbours. Both the family doctor and the herbal healer had their insights, knowledge, ethical and professional secrecy. At that time it was easy to use both kinds of healers for different sicknesses, when you understood whom you needed.

A friend once said: “In my home the priest and the doctor used the front door and my mother had her patients at the backdoor.” She was the local medicine-woman using natural herbs.

As years have past the pharmacy medicine is more used in our daily lives. Some claim this all started some 100 years ago, when John D. Rockefeller saw the ability to monopolise the oil, chemical and medical industries at the same time. Medicine learning changed and was about using patented drugs and natural medicines were demonised and some herb-doctors even jailed.

“A pill for an ill” became the mantra for the modern pharmacy medicine.

So today we have mostly doctors who know less about herbs, nutritions or holistic practices although some young medical students begin to research the use of the “old-fashioned” plants.

We also operate with the Codex Alimentarius which is a collection of standards, guidelines and codes of practice to protect consumers health and promote fair practices in food trade. Established by FAO/WHO with first meeting in 1963. I ”met” this “Code” first time, when I would buy my usual A. Vogel UrtiCalcin, with pressed juice from wildly harvested nettles. The herb-shop was not allowed to sell the product because of this “Codex A”. Later after several herb-shops protested it was allowed to sell the product again, because the pharma industry cannot patent nature.

And now we have COVID-19, a sickness which reminds a lot about a common flu with a very high survival rate - 99,70%:

Officially we are guided to wash our hands, to use a facemask, corona-passports, keep distance to each other and to be vaccinated with a new gene-therapy mRNA type of vaccine to boost our natural immunesystem  - or “vaccine”. The terms of what a vaccine is has changed recently.

After a public debate in Denmark we are also advised to eat Vitamine D. But no ordinary medicine is officially recommended. Only a gene-therapy vaccination. This causes skepticisme towards the new, not tested and artificially gene-therapy among people, who are used to the natural ways of healing. 

So many people will still find their way to the backdoor and will visit the local medicine woman or -man. Or let themselves get “the flu” to create natural antibodies. 

to be continued……………

Part of a Channeling from 2013

English text: …..The Tibetan says: “We're even older incarnate. The human race is very old; but it is suppressed. It's very difficult for a lot of people……What you're doing now with writing is how we're going to do it in the future. It's called automatic writing. Try to develop a method that helps you orient yourself on paper. But like I said……..We've met before. This time it is in different dimensions; but it is, as you have found out, easy to connect to other dimensions - including the dimensions of the deceased.......It is good you go ahead and show how easy it is. Anyone can learn. It's just a matter of accepting that it's possible. Religions stand in between for this....."

Later that evening I take a new contact: I sit on the sofa and have sheets of paper ready and come up very quickly and quickly enter the house on the white rock. In the hallway hangs a blue cloak next to the Tibetan's red cloak. As I walk through the door, I get information that I write down:

"Your knee should be bathed in warm soapy water, use chamomile, cold, painkillers and acupressure."

The person who speaks is a doctor, the blue cloak in the hallway is his. He's a well-known doctor.... Hi.... don't understand his name. He is Greek - a wise man. (I scrap my folded paper sheets and grab a block to write on) He greets and says: "There are herbs you can take to soothe. Wrap around the knee. Sage and cabbage. You're sitting in the chair too long."

The Tibetan comes up to us and says: "You were once a student of this well-known doctor and healer. That's why you know something about herbs. They are used less in the medical industry; but become important again because artificial medications have an ability to stiffen/ice/reach a peak and then become ineffective. Herbs don't work like that. They are alive with the cells - living with the living - and live with the disease, adapting and changing.

This period of artificial medications will be short. Your grandchildren's children use live herbs. Many - almost all families in the future have their own herbal gardens and knowledge of how to use them.......... The pharmaceutical industry seeks to patent and prevent natural herbs. They will not succeed. People will become aware of the heritage and duty they have to protect nature. It can be vulnerable."

Hi..... Hippo....? nods and touches his heart as greetings and nods. The Tibetan smiles and greets goodbye. I'm going down. Coming out of the trance and Googling for the name of an "ancient Greek doctor" and found Hippocrates* - the father of medicine - the author of the Corpus Hippocraticum. Hippocrates is also attributed to the oldest version of the classic medical promise, which states, among other things, that the doctor may not prescribe a treatment that is more harmful than the disease itself.

Taking a Red Pill

Part of a channeling from the 6th of December 2021:
The Tibetan: “Hello there, so good to see you. We have expected you. Good you can feel our presence. So much is happening on Earth right now. We feel it. You feel it. Things are in an upheaval. Things gets to a point, where it will sort of burst. Nothing bad will happen to most people - but the tensions will be felt on many people. Politicians will have a bad time / bad experiences. They will pay for their bad deeds. This is about time. So many politicians have done wrong towards so many people in many countries. People will not take it any more. The Maxwell Trial will be an eyeopener to many people - a very bad eyeopener. Let’s go to Stuart. He is expecting you.”

Stuart: “….. Humanity is very tampered / manipulated. So many parents will let their children vaccinate. This is bad; but fewer will die, because humanity have helpers in other realms, that will take care of the “vaccine” and the children. The situation on Earth will become more in a kind of turmoil, because the bad people are in a pressure. They are stressed and will do anything to prevent trials. But they will get caught. There will be trials. These trials have been going on for some years ( in secrecy - behind scenes ). Now its time for the trials to be held in the open, so people can read about them and participate in discussions / debates. This is about time.” ……. “Humanity will divide. Some people go this way - some go another. Deep State will vanish. About time. You will experience some of the new techniches like med-beds, flying cars, trips to The Moon, spaceships and so on …..”

The Tibetan: “ ….. Don’t think a lot about these “vaccines” and the corona-stuff. Try and laugh about these “health” people and your Minister of State. They are in a mess now. They thought they could controle people with their fear mongering and hocus-pocus. They are very bad at making witchcraft. Old-fashioned. The helpers of humanity are much better. Better frequency. More love. Love heals. Love heals everything. The bad people think love is weakness. They laugh about it. They are more into tricks, old-fashioned tricks. They are doomed. Love is the way to go. Let’s part.”

My comment: If you want to find out some truth about what is going on / is wrong in our World, then you can follow The G. Maxwell Trial. This is a start - all though it is very, very nasty business to dig into. The Trial started officially on the 29th of November 2021 - same day the Omikron variant spreed via the media all over the World. Are there forces, who want to avoid peoples attention to the trial and the impact this trial has on politicians, royalty, businessmen / -women and some other people in leading roles? Is Omikron a fearmonger like the sheepdog, who barks at the herd? Don’t look here. Don’t go there. Stay in the herd. Stay in fear.

A Conspiracy That Is Now Fact

Wikileaks releases Moon Landing cut scenes filmed in Nevada Desert. Video at 5:37 to 7:57. And … a photo of a Ship coming in to The Moon. Same video at 8:20.

As You Wish Talk Radio - Video by James Gilliland streamed 28th of November 2021 on ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel:

James Gilliland’s website:

My comment: In 2008 a friend told me that there were travels to the moon every fortnight. There were also plans to construct some kind of “elevator system travel vehicles”.  This was wellknown among the super, super and super rich people at that time.
In 2010 David Icke talks about: “Who Built The Moon?”. There is a lot of info, when you research. Fx:

Big Cigars

Controllers believe they are almighty ... a big cigar will always become ashes one day
— Quote: Carsten, a blind friend

About the Evilness of The High People

From a channeling the 17th of October 2021. The Tibetan says: “….. We will talk a little before you meet Stuart. You have been working with the website and you doubt if you can begin to tell about The High People. You can. Be prepared for ridicule and silence - but there are people who need to know about these things going on. The High People are threatened from everywhere. They think they are always safe - but they are not safe anymore. People will go hunt politicians, High People and everyone, who have done harm to humanity. You can write your research. Time is for this now ….. Stuart is expecting you. See you.”

Stuart says: “….. Let me tell you about the times now on Earth. So many people are awakening. They are starting to see the world for, what it is. Lots of people go scared and they go angry when truth comes to them about The High People. The High People are beginning to flee the planet. They have vehicles inside earth, that can bring them back to their home planets. They flee. And they take some humans with them. This is bad. These devils are evil to the core. They are bad - more than bad. They are evil in manifestation. They are what we call DEVIL. Write about this. Write about how it is important to avoid The Devil - the evil on this earth. Go away from evil. But some people are born into this. They do not know anything else, so it is difficult for them to change. These people are taken on the ships and are brought to other planets by The High People. They need their … (I censor here) … Just write about it.”

Channelings about corrupt politicians ... continued

Channeling on 3rd of April 2021. Stuart: … “In Denmark you have a lot of people, who are taking care of Denmark. They are all over the country. They are Danish at heart, so your ‘Frederiksen’ cannot rule on her own. She do have a superior, that have ties to Deep State. These people are bankers and so. The very big company … ( I censor here ) … have ties to Deep State. They know about human trafficking. It’s important for these people, that the official Denmark do not know about this trade with humans. Your Minister knows about it. She will fall at the right time ….”

Channeling on 31st of May 2021. Stuart: … “your minister of State is soon to be replaced. The bad people are suffering badly. They are all doomed. Soon it will emerge in the daily news, what is going on. Many people will suffer greatly …”

Channeling on 9th of June 2021. Stuart: … “I need to say, that things will upheaval and a lot of people will go scared. That’s because it will be revealed about the wars towards The High People and the saving of … ( I censor here ) … People cannot grasp what has happened … Your Minister of State is involved. She would not have had the job, if she did not know. Everyone in high positions know. Most of these people are dead and / or in prison. They stay there. Many people cannot understand, what has happened. They go to pieces …”

Channeling on 8th of July 2021. Stuart: … “Now … Europe is having trouble. Some of the leaders are gone and the News do not talk about it. Some of your leading people are gone too. The media are very silent - they do not know, what to do. The … ( I censor here ) … are going down and all the bad media. Your Minister of State is going down. She is very silent now - several Ministers are silent now. They are trapped. Many go to … ( I censor here ) … where they meet court cases. They must pay for the crimes they did towards … ( I censor here ) … - who were brought into slavelike surroundings. Many leaders are scared of The High People. They do what they are told to do. Find the photo again of The High People. That’s how they look …”

Channelings about corrupt politicians

Since spring 2020 I had several channelings about politicians in our Danish government. Mostly about being trustworthy during the Corona outbreak. Here are some examples:

Channeling on 18th of April 2020. Stuart: …” Evil people will begin to make mistakes and good people begin to wonder, what is going on. More and more people will begin to question and demand answers - good answers. It may take some time, but more and more people ask and look for better explanations than the ones officials, elite and government are giving. You will also see this in Denmark of all places. There are also corrupt people there - although they say there is not. Your Minister of State is a tampered (?) person - kind of brainwashed through many years. Look at her eyes and look at many politicians eyes. “ …..

Channeling on 5th of November 2020. Stuart: … “The vaccines will all fall, because the Corona will show it’s ugly face towards the crooked people. The Corona is not dangerous. It’s just what they say. So just laugh of these stupid people. Your Minister of State will fall in some months time. She deserves to fall.” …

Channeling on 21st of December 2020. Stuart: … “Don’t think about the vaccine. It’s a bad trick towards people. The vaccine is a tampered poison and don’t take it. Times will show, that the vaccine will fall, but also the people behind the vaccines. Gates is a crook. He is not to be believed - like so many other of these devilish people in the Deep State Agenda. They are doomed. It’s all over for them. There may go a little time yet. Don’t worry about that. Everything is taken care of. The people you see here, are also taken care of every thing. Your ‘Frederiksen’ will fail again and go down. Many people behind her too. And other politicians.” …

Channeling on 3rd of January 2021. St. John: …”Your Minister of State is a very tampered (manipuleret) person. She is a bad person. She sees herself as a very good person. This is strange to observe. Many people will start to question, what is the matter with her. She is kind of not well. She will start to do things that show people, that she has no grounding in her soul - she is “flying” with no feet in the ground. This is a kind of illness in the soul. People will see that and ask themselves what is going on.” …

…to be continued

Déjà vu

When did we experience this before …? hmmm …
The 15th of October 2021 is the date on witch in Italy you cannot work without a vaccine …….. like in many other countries. But this time people have had enough. They protest and some quit there jobs and gather in groups. Times are changing for the better.

About Broader Consciousness

Part of a channeling from 8th of September 2016. Stuart says:
“Hi there. How nice to see you. You are beginning to believe in this. You are more convinced. Okey … Europe is having problems. Politicians are trying to hold the truth from the people, but it is getting difficult, because of transparency. It’s like Earth is passing an area in Space, where it’s not possible to lie any more. It’s like your lies are being exposed, all though you do everything to cover up. That’s why people are beginning to see what happens. People cannot believe politicians. They see that clearly in the coming years. 

This place in Space is called “polonium particle belt” … ( My comment: The Photon Belt? ) … It’s a place where Space is filled with matter, that is giving a broader / better consciousness / bevidsthed. A lot of people are ready to receive a better and broader consciousness . A lot of people - like you - have worked hard in years with getting a better consciousness. A lot of people were born just to learn that.

Earth is a strange place. We have all kinds of evilness and all kinds of loveliness. One can live a whole life and experience a lot of evilness, and one can live a whole life and experience a lot of love and niceness. People choose themselves how to live and what kind of life they want - BEFORE they are born. And we all forget, what we choose, when we are on Earth … “

Love is The Glue

Part of a channeling from 29th of August 2016. Stuart says:
“Now … Europe is facing big trouble. Politicians are wrong in their thoughts to unite the people of The Earth. First EU, then USA - Canada - Mexico and so on. 5 regions on Earth. The people on Earth are not able to become Earth-citizens as the Elite want them to become. The Earth people belong to another kind of tribe than the Elite people. The Elite people want to govern the Many, but the Many do not need to be governed. Earth people have a long time behind them, when they decided for themselves how to live. They did not need government. They / Earth people go together in clans or likeminded people - big families and they do not need to be mixed up in other clans. Not the way the Elite want it. The Elite want people to unite, because they want to control Earth people and believe, it will become easier for them to govern Earth people this way. Earth people will not be governed in the way the Few want. It is not possible.

But the Few make a pressure on the Earth people and they create CHAOS through fugitives and migrant crisis. This will continue a long time. Politicians are naive and cruel. Earth people need to find out, what the Few in the Elite are doing. David Icke is doing a tremendous job. I worked with this theme too and found truth about the Elite, that they did not want me to reveal … ( I censor here ) … Many, many people will start to find out about the Elite and their plans. That’s good. The Earth people must / will begin to gather in small groups. They will start to go under the radar and built secure areas and plans, that are out of reach of the State.

There are already people, who are thinking about ways to become independent of the State. Not quite ( independent ); but with more selfawareness, so they do not depend on government, State and politicians. This is good. Because politicians will fail big time. People do not - and cannot - trust politicians.

A way to become independent is to find work, that is more freelance paid. Work, that is paid per job. Also find ways to minimise rent. Perhaps live together with friends in a big house or in the country. A way is to move to the country and buy old farms and start to grow food. Harvest own water. It’s possible when you are young and are more people living together in small communities. Own land, own water, own house and low rent. Life in the future will become easy for the people, who move out of the big cities. The people in big cities live like drones in an anthill or beehive - like workers. Workers for the Elite. This is not the plan for Earth people. They have forgotten, who they are.

The coming many years will become full of unrest and changes. People will gather in families / clans, who like / love each other, because love is the glue, that will keep Earth people together. Love is the glue. You will need to find the people, you belong to. These smaller societies will grow through the coming years. These communities will first start like small gatherings and with people, who help each other; but will become more like a movement.

The biggest communities will be around 800 - 1000 people. Like small villages. They will have all kinds of food and water. Politicians cannot stop this movement. First find likeminded people and gather water and money and resist politicians, who want to control and limit Earth peoples way of living. Become aware and find other solutions with loving people.”