All The World's A Stage

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
— Quote Source: William Shakespeare from As You Like It,

To be informed or not ....

You can either be informed and be your own rulers, or you can be ignorant and have someone else, who is not ignorant, rule over you.
— Quote Source: Julian Assange

What to believe ....

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, unless your own reason and your own common sense agree.
— Quote Source: Gautama Buddha (quotation is a paraphrase of the original)

There Are Three ...

There are three classes of people:
those who see
those who see, when they are shown
those who do not see
— Quote Source: Leonardo da Vinci

French Farmers Are Protesting

Just when you think the world is hopelessly barreling towards totalitarianism without recourse. The people of France shines their light against the darkness.
— Quote Source: @realbhopwood

Truth and Lie

People don’t realise how hard it is to speak the truth, to a world full of people that don’t realise they are living a lie
— Quote Source: Edward Snowden

Mop the Corners

The most important message is, that humanity will thrive in the future. First we must clean out and mop the corners - then everything is better and more ready for the new.
— Quote Source: Channeling 27th Dec 2023