“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,”
How To Stop ...
Reminder Notes from The Notice Board: How to stop feeding the corporations and governments that control our planet. A small poster drawn in Adobe Illustrator 20th of November 2018.
To be informed or not ....
“You can either be informed and be your own rulers, or you can be ignorant and have someone else, who is not ignorant, rule over you.”
Channeling From 2021
From a channeling on Monday the 6th of December 2021:
The Tibetan: “Let’s talk a bit. Don’t think a lot about these “vaccines” and the corona-stuff. Try and laugh about these “health” people and Ministers of States. They are in a mess now. They thought they could controle people with their fear mongering and hocus-pocus. They are very bad at making witchcraft. Old-fashioned. The helpers of humanity are much better. Better frequency - more love. Love heals. Love heals everything. The bad people thinks love is weakness. They laugh about it. They are more into tricks - old-fashioned tricks. They are doomed. Love is the way to go.”
From a channeling on Thursday the 30th of december 2021:
The Tibetan: “Many people are not well. They do not understand the state of The World. They feel something is wrong, but cannot put the right finger on WHAT is wrong. Many people need other people to guide them. It has always been like this. Some people need guidance. It’s is not always easy to be a guide. So always trust your heart and your intuition. They know what is right.
Now …… times are getting better on Earth - slowly - slowly. The bad guys are in a mess. They are getting afraid. They never thought they would know fear. They spread fear, but never thought they would feel it on themselves. This happens now. They are getting very afraid. Some of the bad guys do not live on The Earth anymore. They are dead. They are gone. This can be felt all over The World - also in Denmark. Everything will be reviled.”
And later from the same channeling on Thursday the 30th of december 2021:
The Tibetan: “This Corona stuff will die out. More people wake up and see how they have been lied to. It will not be a pretty sight to see your politicians faces. They are weak and greedy people. They did it for the money, positions and the “glory”. They thought, they would be mingling with the rich and mighty. That is their fault - their lesson - a very strange lesson. They will all fall. And they have started to feel the consequences of their acts.”
What to believe ....
“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, unless your own reason and your own common sense agree.”
Drawing of the floating houses from the 4th of October 2013: “I see a kind of white bobble houses on the water. A kind of house with outdoor areas. Humans live there. The houses are linked together. They are white as eggshells. Has doors and windows.”
About Floating Homes and Sinking Islands
Excerpt of a channeled message on 4th of October 2013: ………Panther waits below while I go up. It is very bright as I go up. Super bright. I stop at the 4th - 5th step. The light flows down towards me. Light/white/light. I'm up. Standing on the plateau in the light. The "floor"/ground is white/light. Where can I go? To the house or? It's hard to see. The light is like a kind of fog.
Now the Tibetan comes to meet me through the light. I see his plum red clothes. He rushes towards me. Runs. Now he stands before me. He smiles broadly. I see his face clearly - slightly yellowish/brown skin, smile lines. He is totally nice. We stand close. “Hi,” he says, “thanks for coming.” The Tibetan puts his arm around my shoulder. We go over the plateau. There is mega white. We go further than usual. We're like floating. We are floating on top of the house/on the roof. There is a kind of lookout/a tower.
Stuart is also in the tower. He is also wearing some kind of red clothes? or no..... it's green/monkish. Stuart smiles. He walks close to me and shows me his face. It's his older face and his smile. It's him.
Stuart: “This tower is our view tower/watchtower - a kind of tower, where we see the future. I’ll show you something here.” I go to the window, where Peter showed me the vast/huge areas/empty areas of the North. Stuart points: “Look.”
I look out. I see sea, a lot of sea. Rippling fresh sea. I see a kind of white bobble houses on the water. A kind of house with outdoor areas. Humans live there. The houses are linked together. They are white as eggshells. Has doors and windows.
Stuart: “People live here. They find out how to extract food from the sea - plankton food. It is very healthy. People find out how to breed fish in large pools while floating around the oceans. Some parts of the world are sinking. Some islands are sinking. Parts of England. Parts of the United States. Parts of Europe. Therefore, more people travel to Greenland and Alaska and Russia. Therefore, large areas are cultivated. The lands are sinking because the Earth is changing. It wanders. It needs a change of “coat” / “clothes”. It must turn just like when you turn in your sleep. Don't be nervous. Denmark is not sinking. It gets bigger out west. It happens as a slow process so people can move around. Except for some islands in the Pacific Ocean. There is nothing you can do about it. The reason is not climate, as people would like to imagine. It is the Earth that decides - not people. The Earth needs to turn. Alaska is becoming attractive and the Russian steppes. There are new areas in the North Sea - new islands. Also north of Scotland.
These floating dwellings are invented. They are already looking to provide housing for people on sinking islands. The first floating islands are invented for areas in the Pacific Ocean. Danish companies will start to develop them. It will be good business. Cooling and water production machines are also being developed.”
The Tibetan: "In this way, we can inspire people to face upheavals with a straight forehead and without being fearful. We cannot do anything to change the evolution of the Earth. It - the Earth - does what it wants. We must not hinder it either. We must follow and be open and adapt. We must not strive and adapt the Earth to us. We are moving towards "feminine" times, where we must become soft and open as women. And spacious. Women are smart. They are good at going with the flow and adapting. Okay. These housing cultures will spread to other communities and create new opportunities. It will also be Danish and Nordic peoples who will start building the Russian and northern plains. All that comes. We have a visit from Maria.”
I see Mary. Maria embraces me.
Maria: "It is important that people improve their skills, that they study and gain knowledge and go to school. It is important that people continue to educate themselves and become skilled. There will be times when you need educated people. This is because societies develop rapidly technologically and naturally. You develop new ways of living and then you will need labour. There will be many people from the northern hemisphere who will be sent out to help the southern hemisphere. Then you will need many educated people. Even those that you think are old. You will need people who know old crafts, e.g. You will need architects, engineers, agriculture people, fishermen, farmers, industrialists etc. People who think they can relax and retire suddenly start a kind of 3rd or 4th career. These people are valued and well paid. It is especially areas in the warmest parts of the world where you need educated people. The leaders of these countries realise that they have neglected to educate their populations because these countries are hopelessly backward and underdeveloped. You will experience this. It happens within the next 12-15 years that the first needs arise, so that an older carpenter or blacksmith or engineer stands to get a good payment, to take a few years' work as a teacher in, for example, Arab countries. There will soon be great changes in Arab areas. The leaders of these countries will understand that they have to loosen the strict - and somewhat foolish - religious rules in order to start the development of healthy countries." ………………
What "they" Fear
“They fear LOVE because it creates a world they can not control”
Spring Is In The Air
Forleden fandt jeg de kønneste små dejlige violer i skovbunden. En sand forårsbebuder.
There Are Three ...
“There are three classes of people:
those who see
those who see, when they are shown
those who do not see”
Fragile but strong spring flowers grow out of the frozen ground. Aarhus the 7th of March 2024
Channeled Message 2nd of March 2024
The Tibetan: “So good you came. We are expecting you, Stuart, Maria and I. Today we have a visitor. Let’s go.” We go to the stairs in the cliff. I go first: 1 … 2 … , … 7 … 10. I am upstairs. I see Maria and Stuart and a dark person stands next to them.
Stuart: “Hello, so good to see you. Let me introduce you to Mandela - Nelson Mandela. He would like to say a word or two. He has heard about you. Words go around here - just like on Earth.”
Nelson: “Hello Lilian, so nice to meet you. What you do here is interesting. I want to talk about bravery. It’s so humanity at this time have to be brave and courageous. So are the times now. Many people know about my story and how I was imprisoned for several years by authority. A person must be brave to withstand / resist the pressure. You hear about Julian Assange, whom the society is pressuring to silence in a barbaric manner. You hear about the Russian Navalny*, who is dead now in prison. We have heard about several people through history, who have spoken loudly towards injustice from the society through the centuries. Sokrates was one, who is remembered through history. Giordano Bruno - the Italian philosopher and poet. These people showed bravery and no fear. The coming years are different and difficult because humanity will show a new bravery towards society - they will not take any “crab” from society any more. They will start to fight. That’s good. The main cause is the Covid-19 scam and the deaths of so many people through vaccinations. People who have suffered deaths in their families will start to gather and have a voice and they will demand justice and punishment towards politicians, public servants / employees and doctors and nurses. People become more brave and this is good. You will experience this uprising of ordinary people, who says NO.
Also in Denmark a lot of people have had enough. Look at the farmers - they have started to talk about driving their tractors and machines to the cities. Just like farmers do in many European countries. Farmers uprise and vaccinated will uprise. This is very good. People become brave. As Stuart said: “Bravery is your only option.” True. I had to be brave too. It was difficult for me to be brave in the beginning - but little by little I changed.
I will tell you a secret: The Tibetan visited me in my prison cell.
I started to sense a being in my cell one evening. I thought I had become mad. Little by little I began to open my mind towards this being, whom I could sense - but not see. David Icke describes this and you know how it is. The presence of The Tibetan made me brave and gave me a calm mind. We started to converse in dreams on a telepathic level. He kept me sane and brave. He showed me my destiny as a president for my people. So it became little by little easier to be calm and collected/composed - also when guards treated me wrongly. The Tibetan saved me.”
The Tibetan: “Other spirits whom we call angels visited Nelson in the prison. They created a loving atmosphere for Nelson. So he could stand the pressure and develoup his mind for his future task.”
Maria: “Spirit People do always take care of people, who are suffering. Few understand and sense this. Julian Assange have many Spirit People around. He is however more in his mind as his heart, so for him it is difficult to sense the good vibrations these Spirit People give him. When one sees Julian, you understand the pressure he is in. But people are not educated in the importance of the connection to Spirit People. Look to the Aboriginals. They know what it is about. Society have done a lot to make this belief in Spirit People to be a primitive behaviour. They still do. Look at the asylums for crazy people, who almost all have a very good connection to the spirit worlds. But society, doctors and so on, do not believe in this.”
Stuart: “Society is doing everything to make a person look wrong, when this person starts to think for himself and connect to Spirit People. Society is afraid of people like David Icke, Jesus, Socrates, Mandela, Jimi Hendrix and so on. People with hearts and a healthy connection to their heart and spirit…..Let’s part for today and let’s talk soon again.”
*Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny died at 47 in an Arctic prison colony on the 16th of February 2024 serving a 19-year sentence.
Bravery Is My Only Option
“Take a chance and you may lose. Take not a chance and you have lost already.”
The Real Reason Why It´s Called a Cell Phone. Layout 22.02.2024.
Cell Phones
Butikskæde dropper MobilePay i 530 butikker. Betalinger via MobilePay udgør under én (1) procent af betalinger i bl.a. Dagofa¨s butikker som Spar, Meny, Min Købmand og Let-Køb.
French Farmers Are Protesting
“Just when you think the world is hopelessly barreling towards totalitarianism without recourse. The people of France shines their light against the darkness.”
The Spirit People Are Cleaning
Channeling on the 30th of January 2024:
Maria: “At this time we work a lot to help humanity. We are The Spirit People in the 5th dimension. We are cleansing the vaccines, the waters, the sky, the Earth. Later will humanity cleanse in 3rd dimension and they will succeed to cleanse a lot. The Spirit People are relations to people living on Earth and on other planets. Many planets are inhabited all over the Universe. In spirit you can travel with the thought and arrive immediately, when you think of a destination. Spirit People are having a very busy time these years. They will be busy the coming 50 years or more. This is because of the cleaning jobs there are going on. It’s necessary to clean the deep frequencies that are on Earth.
The Tall People are becoming scared, that they will be seen by normal people, so they flee and go to remote areas on Earth. Or they go to Nibiru, where they originally come from. Some stay on Earth and will mate with people here and become part of humanity. In time they will disappear.”
Truth and Lie
“People don’t realise how hard it is to speak the truth, to a world full of people that don’t realise they are living a lie”
Photo of my handmade Christmas cards
Society Creating Fear
A channeling from the 3rd of september 2023:
Maria says: “Now … we are talking about Love. Love is difficult for a lot of people - not the deep Love they carry as the basic from creator - but the daily Love. It is difficult to maintain the Love feeling in our heart during the day, as we experience so much during a day, that it is difficult to keep the Love Flame burning.
The society do not want people to feel the Love Flame. The society want no LOVE towards other people. The society want FEAR to be spread among people. Society know that fear divides people. They want division. They do not want common ground between people. Society create fear on daily basic. They invent events that are fear based. Fx. 9.11, terror, religions terror, religious murders and upheaval. They invent wars, crisis and even weather is used to manipulate people and create fear.
When a man/woman know that society create fear on purpose - it is easy to see through society. It is easy to see, that many events are made on purpose. These events happens also in Denmark of all places fx the warehouse event. People are waking up all over the globe and are seeing these events spreading - these fear based events. It is very difficult to be calm, when these events happens. But more people see these events as they are created. They are more able to say - like the little boy in Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytale: * “Han har jo ikke noget tøj på!” - and point towards the event and see the truth.
The society are being aware, that more people are open to see the fake events as fake. Society try to create other events, that look more natural. This will not succeed as more and more events look unnatural and like crazy and expose the society as “crazy”. So people do not trust society, politicians, priests and so on … governments.
This is good. People have to take matters in their own hands. They cannot trust society, governments, politicians and so on. People have to find the truth in their own hearts and trust that - not the society. They must trust themselves. With trust comes Love and with Love comes trust and new eyes to see, what is going on in the society.
Earth is having these shakings, because Nibiru is passing. Many people will become scared, but they will eventually find courage to take care of themselves and not trust society / government. Government is not to be trusted. Love is the way to go and Earth will blossom, when Love is in the hearts of people living on Earth. Lets talk later.”
Translation: * “Han har jo ikke noget tøj på!” - “After all, he is not wearing any clothes!”
Mop the Corners
“The most important message is, that humanity will thrive in the future. First we must clean out and mop the corners - then everything is better and more ready for the new.”
“Take care and a happy new year.”
Words of Encouragement for 2024 and Beyond
A channeling on the 27th of December 2023.
Some excerpts:
Stuart: “It’s so humanity are afraid this new year. Many believe the year 2024 will be a very bad year. This is not the case. Many people work on the good of humanity now. They work in difficult “waters”, but they succeed to help a lot of people.”
Martin (Luther King): “Humanity will become better at looking through lies and deceit from politicians and globalists. They are having enough. New politicians will be elected in Europe. Politicians with hearts. Your “Mette” is doomed like so many politicians, that treated humanity badly during the corona scam. They will begin to come to courts and more people will witness about their treatment towards people, family, loved ones, elderly, children. During 2024 many politicians will fall. There will come information about several officials, who have brought wrongly information about a lot of government inside doings. The people in the Danish military and PET will have their uprising. And the politicians will be punished and come to trial / stand trial. The Danish shipping company will have a very bad year in 2024. This has already started with the loss of the containers in The North Sea. Many secrets will be reviled during 2024 - not only in Denmark, Europe - but all over the globe. Many people will get shocks.”
Jesus: “Now its time to say something. Humanity are getting help from outer space. These are difficult times. The evil forces that have occupied Earth are retreating. When Nibiru comes the evil can fly and escape much easier. Nibiru will not create a lot of damage on Earth. Don’t think about it and just enjoy (enjoy the show). The most important message is, that humanity will thrive in the future. First we must clean out and mop the corners - then everything is better and more ready for the new. Lot’s of people are ending their incarnations these years or move to other planets. Humanity will not go under and the climate scam is a big scam.”
An Amusing Countdown
“Todays date is 12. 31. 23 - and also 123123”
Photo of a bouquet of flowers I received from my family in December 2023
Nurtering the Love Flame
Channeling 25th of November 2023:
Stuart: “Hello, so nice to see you. Always nice to see you. Always is. We know each other well and have done for eons. This time we meet in this dimension - the 5th dimension. This is how it should be this time. It’s to tell people, that it is possible to know ansestors, friends, lovers, family after they die. This will become more common during the next couple of hundreds of years. Life will become much easier for a lot of people in the future. Maria wants to say something.”
Maria: “Let me tell you about Love - more about Love. It’s so everybody know Love deep down in their hearts - sometimes though people come astray because of everyday happenings, so they tend to forget Love - especially if they are in dire circumstances. Then the bad vibrations and the negative experiences cloud for the loving heart feelings.
These heart feelings of Love are at the same time very fragile and very strong. Love is the strongest force in the Universe. With Love one can do anything. But it is important to trust and keep the Love Flame burning. The way to keep the Love Flame burning is to deliberately nurse the little flame. Make a room / space for yourself everyday, where you nurture the little flame. This can be done in the bus, on your work, while you do the dishes, clean your flat - everywhere.
The little Love Flame in your chest will love to be nurtured. Imagine how you are conscious on the Flame and how the Flame returns the attention and grow stronger and stronger. This can be done especially when one has some trouble in life. This little Love Flame will help to endure whatever and this Love Flame will survive all kinds of trouble. When a person has this Love Flame in the heart it can endure much. When a person do not have the Love Flame it will endure less.
The Love Flame can grow stronger and become so big it is bigger than the person. Then other people begin to notice something is different and they like to be around a person, who has nurtured their Love Flame. Sometimes the Love Flame becomes so big, that the people, who has it are able to heal other people. Many people are afraid of Love. They have forgotten the Love feeling and are shy, when another person has the Love feeling. It’s sad for the people, who forget the Love Flame. Stuart wants to say something.”
Stuart: “It’s so that a lot of people are becoming aware, that something is not right about the corona stuff and the vaccines. The bad people want to continue the waxing and control and the fascist agenda, but so many people are beginning to wake up - so it will not succeed for the bad ones to be able to control people. A lot of people like to be controlled, so they are afraid, when the control slowly disappears.
Especially some religious people want to be controlled, so they can live after certain codex or rule. Many muslims like the control and they want other people to live after same rules. This is a trend, that will vanish during the years to come. Many religions will go under. The muslims still live after old-fashioned rules and it is difficult for these people to live in the future. They will have to change or go under. Very few religions will survive. In a couple of hundred years we will have the “religion” of LOVE beginning to emerge and spreed - and some Hindu believes and Christian believes. Love is the way to go - not some kind of religion written in old books. Its over and done with. Love is the way to go - easy - and difficult for some. Let’s part for now.”